AI-Generated Content Guidelines

As the availability of Large Language Models and AI-generation tools has become widespread, here are some guidelines we require to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI-generated images:

Guidelines for AI-Generated Content

Accuracy and Quality Assurance:
  • Review AI-generated material for accuracy, coherence, and relevance before using it.
  • Assign a human reviewer to verify that content does not contain 'hallucinations', or incorrect information presented as fact.
Use for Drafts/Ideation: 
  • Use the AI-generated content as a starting point for further refinement by human writers and editors.
  • Avoid reliance on AI to produce final, polished content.
Customize and Personalize: 
  • Tailor any AI-generated content to your specific audience and needs.
  • Add your unique voice, expertise, and unique perspectives to make it more relevant and engaging.
Consider Copyright and Intellectual Property: 
  • Understand the intellectual property implications of using AI-generated text. 
  • Determine if you need to obtain any licenses or permissions, especially if the content will be publicly shared.

Guidelines for AI-Generated Image

Respect Artist Copyright:
  • Avoid using AI-generated images that infringe upon an artist’s copyright.
  • Ensure that any AI-generated content used in the workplace is either original or properly licensed.
  • Acknowledge and credit artists whose work has inspired or contributed to the AI-generated images.
Address Garbled Text:
  • Check AI-generated text for coherence, grammar, and clarity. 
  • Proofread and edit any text generated by AI to ensure it aligns with the intended message.
  • Do not use 'hallucinations', garbled or nonsensical text that could confuse or mislead recipients.
Mitigate Distorted Faces:
  • Review AI-generated faces carefully before using them in any official capacity.
  • Avoid using distorted or unrealistic faces that could misrepresent individuals or create unintended biases.
  • Consider using real images or illustrations instead of AI-generated faces for critical applications.
Verify Appendages and Body Parts:
  • Inspect AI-generated appendages (such as arms, legs, etc.) for accuracy and anatomical correctness.
  • Avoid using images with incorrect or unrealistic appendages that could be distracting or misleading.
  • Ensure that AI-generated bodies are consistent with human anatomy and proportions.
Remember that AI-generated content should always be used thoughtfully, with consideration for its impact on communication, aesthetics, and ethical standards within the workplace. Regularly review and update these guidelines as AI technology evolves and new challenges arise.