Course Delivery

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Courses at A&T are delivered in two modes:

  1. On Campus (code M), with a meeting pattern (days/times)
  2. Distance Learning (DL), with no meeting pattern

Please note: Some or all instructional formats for all or part of the academic year may change due to the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Class scheduling will be similar to pre-pandemic patterns (i.e. Monday/Wednesday/Friday 50 minute classes; Tuesday/Thursday 75 minute classes; evening classes). Face-to-face classes must be taught in the assigned classrooms. Students enrolled in face-to-face classes are expected to attend classes face-to-face; students who are interested in 100% distance learning should ensure that they are registered for DL course sections.

Faculty should focus on providing very clear syllabi, especially the attendance and participation policies. The Center for Academic Excellence provides a template along with several other resources. Please see this link: . This template contains information regarding absence policies and student responsibility if they test positive for COVID-19.

Faculty and staff supporting teaching and learning should continue to use creative solutions to maintain excellence through high-quality teaching and learning to help students be successful. Many training sessions have been conducted by the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) and Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD). Several of these sessions have been recorded for on-demand professional development. In addition, all faculty will be enrolled automatically in the Faculty Commons, accessible via Blackboard, giving ample time for teaching preparation.

It is important to use Blackboard as an active tool to support learning management. Deans and chairs will monitor and verify the consistent use of Blackboard by all faculty. Some best practices include:

  1. Uploading your syllabus a week before classes begin and including a welcome message to students. Consult your department for the information that should be included on your syllabus.
  2. Uploading assignments and other information in a timely manner. Highlight pertinent deadlines on the calendar.
  3. Entering grades frequently and providing other types of feedback to students. Students succeed when they receive feedback in a timely manner.
  4. For DL courses, schedule at least one hour each week for synchronous engagement with students, although attendance should not be required.
  5. To promote student success during the transition to online learning after the Thanksgiving holiday, faculty are encouraged to incorporate practice activities (such as online exams and assignments)

To promote student success, all online students will be enrolled in the Online Learner Support Commons, which will provide strategies for learner success and guidance on the technical aspects of learning online.

Technology assessments will be completed prior to each semester to ensure that equipment is installed and functioning in all classrooms to support any blended learning needs. Students taking online courses or who have to attend classes remotely (with permission of the department chair and dean) are encouraged to use the Virtual Desktop Environment. ITTD will provide training for faculty and students as needed. In preparation for online final exams, webcams and laptops will be available for loan to students and employees through the Bluford Library.

Tutoring, recitations and office hours will be held primarily virtually.

Please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources (OARS) for information regarding accommodations for students at