Paula E Faulkner


Paula E Faulkner
Google Scholar

College of Ag & Environ Sciences

Agribusiness Econ Agriscience

Charles H. Moore Ag Research Station A-21
Ph.D.Agricultural Extension and Education / The Pennsylvania State University
OtherSpecial Education (Behaviorally and Emotionally Disabled) / University of North Carolina at Charlotte
M.S.Agricultural Education / North Carolina A&T State University
B.S.Agricultural Technology / North Carolina A&T State University


Dr. Paula E. Faulkner earned a bachelor’s in science in Agricultural Technology (Animal Husbandry) and a master’s of science in Agricultural Education from North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University. She earned a doctorate in Agricultural and Extension Education from Pennsylvania State University.

As a professor in the Department of Agribusiness, Applied Economics and Agriscience Education, she instructs undergraduates and graduate students. She presents research in various professional settings as well as publishes research in numerous journals. She serves as a board member for the NC Alumni Fulbright Association.

Research Interests

My research efforts address the needs of under-served populations in agricultural sciences and education such as disadvantaged farmers, individuals with disabilities, women farmers (gender issues). Addressing the needs of agricultural teacher educators related to their needs for instructing students with special needs i.e. learning disabilities, gifted and talented is also studied. Other research interest include focusing on Diversity initiatives.

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Recent Publications

  • Kingsley Ekwemalor, Ikenna Enenya, Sarah Adjei-Fremah, Emmanuel Asiamah, Paula Faulkner, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2024). (Alternative to Antibiotics Used in Sheep Production). In Sándor Kukovics, (Sheep Farming - Sustainability From Traditional to Precision Production) pp. 18. InTech Open.
  • Laura Greenhaw, Paula Faulkner (2023). (Applied Leadership Development through FFA). In M. Susie Whittingon, Rick Rudd, Jack Elliott, (The Art and Science of Agriculture: Four Keys to Dynamic Learning) Virginia Tech Publishing.
  • Paula Faulkner, Robert Cobb, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Shon Smith, Tamirrah Cox, (2023). (Beneficial Farming Practices and Assistive Technologies for Veterans and Limited Resource Farmers). In Dr. Jovan Shopovski, (21) 19, pp. 33-48. European Scientific Journal.
  • Robert Cobb, Yu-Tung Kuo, Paula Faulkner (2023). (The correlation between Self-regulated Learning Behaviors and Academic Classification for HBCU Students Participating in Online and Remote Learning Experiences). 20, European Scientific Journal.
  • Eihab Fathelrahman, Paula Faulkner, Ghaleb A. Al Hadrami Al Breiki (2023). (The Perspectives of Higher Agricultural Education in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries). IGI Publisher.
  • Paula Faulkner, Robert Cobb, Thomas Kipkurgat, Salwa Abed (2022). (How Closing the Digital Divide Can Improve Women’s Employability). IGP Global Publisher .
  • Adem Kayo, Paula Faulkner, Thomas Martinek, Jerona Rotich, Ceola Baber (2022). (Immigrant Youth Leadership Identity Development through Sport Participation in a New Country). (3) 8, European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science.
  • Adem Kaya, Paula Faulkner, Ceola Baber, Jerono Rotich (2022). (Insights from Immigrant and Refugee Youth on Resilience through Sport Participation during Adaption to a New Country). (1) 20, pp. 33-48. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
  • Oleg Stiopca, Robert Cobb, Paula Faulkner (2021). (Moldovan Vocational Education and Training: Student Attitudes Toward Online Learning Experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic). ESC Conference Proceedings.
  • Oleg Stiopca, Robert Cobb, Paula Faulkner (2020). (Challenges of Online Teaching during the pandemic COVID-19: Reports from Moldovan Vocational Education Training Teachers). (34) 16, pp. 189-204. European Scientific Journal.
  • Mia Sullivan, John Ricketts, Paula Faulkner, John Hall (2019). (1890 Land-Grant Institutions and School-Based Agricultural Education Preparation: Past, Present, and Future Insights from Institutional Opinion Leaders). In Rick Parker, (2 (Apr-Oct 2-10)) 63, NACTA Journal.
  • Paula Faulkner, Shahana Begum, Chastity English (2019). (How Bangladesh Is Increasing the Employability of Females With Technical Training Programs). In Puja Singhal, (Chapter in a book) IGI Global.
  • Ceola Baber, Paula Faulkner, Dana Lyles (2019). (Relationships between Cognitive Engagement and Self-Efficacy For High School Students Who Participate in Service-Learning). In Linda Wilson Jones, (1) 5, Journal of Research Initiatives.
  • Zaid Al-Shammari, Paula Faulkner, Chris Forlin (2019). (Theories-based Inclusive Education Practices). (2) 2, pp. 408-414. Education Quarterly Reviews.
  • Meeshay Williams-Wheeler, Paula Faulkner, Odile Huchette (2018). (College Students Educating Children and Families on Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Using an Edible Garden). (4) 22, Family Science Review.
  • Paula Faulkner (2018). (How I Navigated the Tough Terrain: How Cultural Influences Made the Ride Less Bumpy" ). In Crystal P. Glover, Toby S. Jenkins, Stephanie Troutman , (Culture, Community and Educational Success Remagining The Invisible Backpack) pp. 184. Littlefield & Rowman Press Lexington Books.
  • John Ricketts, Sandria Godwin, Paula Faulkner (2018). (Integrating Food Science into High School Agricultural Education in Tennessee). In Laura Greenhaw, 68, pp. 9. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research.
  • John Ricketts, Clarrissa Lewis, Paula Faulkner (2018). (The Evaluation of Critical Thinking Dispositions in High School Agriculture Teachers). In Laura Greenhaw, 67, pp. 16. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research.
  • Paula Faulkner, Ralph Okafor, Kayla Brooks, Patricia Lynch (2016). (Rural and Urban North Carolina Parents' Child Feeding Behaviors). In Scott Hall, (1) 108, pp. 30-39. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • Paula Faulkner, Bismark Owooh, Joshua Idassi (2014). (Assessment of the Adoption of Agroforestry Practices by Limited-Resource Farmers in North Carolina). In Debbie Allen, (Thesis) (5) 52, pp. 9. Journal of Extension.
  • Stacy Vincent, Andrea Kirby, Jacque Deeds, Paula Faulkner (2014). (The Evaluation of Multicultural Teaching Concerns among Pre-service Teachers in the South). (1) 55, pp. 152-166. Journal of Agricultural Education.
  • Zaid Al-Shammari, Ebtisam Aqeel, Paula Faulkner, Ali Ansari (2012). (Enhancing student learning and achievement via direct instruction-based ICT Integrated in a Kuwaiti 12th Grade secondary school math curriculum.). (9) 18, pp. 339-354. International Journal of Learning, Common Ground Publisher.
  • Terrence Thomas, Cihat Gunden, Paula Faulkner (2010). (Exploratory Study of Ege University School of Agriculture Students’ Opinion of Globalization and Curricula Design for Related Instruction). (1) 6, pp. 1-15. International Journal of Applied Educational Studies (IJAES).
  • Zaid Al-Shammari, Cathy Daniel, Paula Faulkner, Thomas Yawkey (2010). (Improving Inappropriate social behavior of Autistic students using the LISTEN Intervention Strategy). In George Uhlig , (4) 37, pp. 286-294. Journal of Instructional Psychology.
  • Paula Faulkner, Connie Baggett (2010). (Preparing Future Secondary Agricultural Education Teachers to Work with Students with Learning Disabilities: Reports from Teacher Educators). In Barry Cooom, (Dissertation) (3) 51, pp. 88-99. Journal of Agricultural Education.
  • Paula Faulkner, Connie Baggett, Cathy Bowen, Blannie Bowen (2009). (Attitudes, Educational, and Career Choices of Food and Agricultural Sciences Institute Participants). In Barry Croom, (1) 50, pp. 45-56. Journal of Agricultural Education.
  • Terrence Thomas, Paula Faulkner, Benjamin Gray (2009). (“New Skill for a New Era: Ideas for Preparing Professionals for Service in 21st Century Agriculture.” ). In Zaid Al-Shammari, (1) 4, pp. 34-46. International Journal of Applied Educational Studies.
  • Don Edgar, Paula Faulkner, Ed Franklin, Neil Knobloch, Alan Morgan (2008). (Creative thinking: Opening up a World of Thought). In Margaret Michell, (4) 83, pp. 46-49. Techniques.
  • Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Terrence Thomas, Victor Boadu, Paula Faulkner (2008). (Fuel Prices and Substitution of Nitrogen Fertilizer Input in Irrigated Corn Production). 5, pp. 191-203. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration.