College of Science and Technology

Department Directory

Computer Systems Technology

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Ali AlQahtani
Assistant Professor
Computer Systems Technology

Chad D. Armstrong
Armstrong, Chad
Program Assistant
Computer Systems Technology

Asa A. Bonds
Bonds, Asa
Program Assistant
Computer Systems Technology

William A. Bowen
Computer Systems Technology

Aaron N. Brown
Brown, Aaron
Program Assistant
Computer Systems Technology

Dewayne R. Brown
Computer Systems Technology

Gina L. Bullock
Teaching Assistant Professor
Computer Systems Technology

Aaron H. Curry
Curry, Aaron
Summer Sessions Instructor
Computer Systems Technology

Regina T. Donnell
Donnell, Regina
Administrative Support Associate
Computer Systems Technology

Lonnie C. Harris
Harris, Lonnie
Summer Sessions Instructor
Computer Systems Technology

Karreem A. Hogan
Computer Systems Technology

Christopher I. Howard
Howard, Christopher
Program Assistant
Computer Systems Technology

Anthony C. Joyner
Summer Sessions Instructor
Computer Systems Technology

Nnenna C. Martin
Summer Sessions Instructor
Computer Systems Technology

Mariama Oumarou Sidibe
Summer Sessions Instructor
Computer Systems Technology

Ahmad Patooghy
Assistant Professor
Computer Systems Technology

Ricky O. Richardson
Richardson, Ricky
Program Assistant
Computer Systems Technology

Hossein A. Sarrafzadeh
Sarrafzadeh, Hossein
University Distinguished Professor and Director of CREO
Computer Systems Technology

Evelyn R. Sowells-Boone
Associate Professor/Interim Chair
Computer Systems Technology

Li-Shiang Tsay
Associate Professor
Computer Systems Technology

Zhaohui Wang
Assistant Professor
Computer Systems Technology

Qingan Zeng
Associate Professor
Computer Systems Technology