School Administration

Degree offered: MSA

The Master of School Administration (MSA) program is designed to prepare school executives to assume leadership roles in schools and school systems, primarily as superintendents, central office administrators, principals, and assistant principals. Graduates of the School Administration program are eligible for licensure from the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction (SDPI) and may be qualified for administration certification in other states.

Coursework emphasizes the core functions of high achieving schools: challenging curriculum, effective instruction, culturally responsive pedagogy, and student achievement. Program content is aligned with the North Carolina Standards for School Executives, the National Educational Leadership Preparation Standards (NELP), the Professional Standards for Educational Leadership (PSEL) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

For program admission requirements, please contact the department (see contact information below).



Contact Information

College of Education
Department of Leadership Studies and Adult Education

Graduate Coordinator and Department Chair: Geleana Alston
Phone: (336) 285-2150

Department Website