English and African American Literature

Degree Offered: M.A.

The objective of the M.A. program in English and African American literature is to provide in-depth training in English Education; English, American and African American literature; folklore and language. The department introduces students to a diverse range of graduate-level work, including critical theory, graduate literary studies, and contemporary practices in grammar and rhetoric. Students' exposure to various genres and works of African American, American and English literatures will provide a substantial foundation for continued study at the doctoral level as well as preparation for various professional and teaching contexts.  The program provides students the opportunity to explore critical theories and hone their critical reading, thinking and writing skills. It also offers a solid foundation for those who may choose to seek a Ph.D. in such disciplines as African American, Comparative, and English Literatures as well as African American, Africana, Cultural, Ethnic, Gender, Subaltern and Women’s Studies. 

Additional Admission Requirements:

  • At least 24 undergraduate credit hours in English
  • Writing Sample (undergraduate research paper, literary analysis, etc.)




Contact Information

College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences

Graduate Coordinator: Hope Jackson
Phone: 336-334-7764

Department Chair: Jason DePolo
Phone: 336-285-3506

Department Website