A member of the NC A&T faculty for the past 14 years, Yeboah is a professor and director of the L.C. Cooper Jr. International Trade Center. He earned his BS Agricultural Science from KNUST in his native Ghana in 1987; MS in Production Economics at NC A&TSU in 1993; and a Doctorate in Agricultural Economics (Resource Economics/International Agricultural Trade) at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1998. His research interests focus on international trade; international agribusiness marketing; environmental and natural resource economics; production economics; small scale agriculture; and others. Osei teaches graduate courses in international t
Research Interests
Conduct(ed) research on topics relating to international trade theory and policies, natural and environmental resources economics, agricultural business, marketing (both international & domestic)
Recent Publications
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2025). (Compendium of Technologies for Higher Yield and Aflatoxin Management in Groundnut). 7, pp. 155-171. Current Research Progress in Agricultural Sciences.
- Kingsley Ekwemalor, Ikenna Enenya, Sarah Adjei-Fremah, Emmanuel Asiamah, Paula Faulkner, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2024). (Alternative to Antibiotics Used in Sheep Production). In Sándor Kukovics, (Sheep Farming - Sustainability From Traditional to Precision Production) pp. 18. InTech Open.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2024). (The high price U.S green economy: a specific factor modeling). (2772-9400) 12, Solar Compass.
- Paula Faulkner, Robert Cobb, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Shon Smith, Tamirrah Cox, (2023). (Beneficial Farming Practices and Assistive Technologies for Veterans and Limited Resource Farmers). In Dr. Jovan Shopovski, (21) 19, pp. 33-48. European Scientific Journal.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2023). (The Impact of the Local Green Economy of Ghana: A General Equilibrium Analysis. ). 15, pp. 23. Sustainability.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2023). (Utilization of Organic Fertilizer in Ghana: Implications for Crop Performance and Commercialization). Advances in Agriculture.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2022). (Economics of Bulk Storage Techniques: maize and Cowpea Storage in Ghana). 2022, Advances in Agriculture.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2021). (Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic and Poverty on Food Insecurity: Yearly Spatial Analysis.). Vol.12, No.4, Scientific Research .
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2021). (Impact of AGOA on Agricultural Export Growth of Member Countries: A Dynamic Shift-Share Analysis). Vol. 23(4) , Journal of Applied Business & Economics .
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2020). (The Influence of Climate Change on the Demand for Ethanol). (1559-1565. ) 164 (2021), Renewable Energy.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2020). (The Influence of Climate Change on the Demand for Ethanol. ). 164 (2021, Renewable Energy.
- Osei yeboah, Shaik Saleem (2018). (Does Climate Change Influence Energy Demand? A Regional Analysis). 212 (2018), Applied Energy.
- Osei yeboah (2017). (Landowners’ Choice to Improved Management in the lower Blue Basin of the Nile River in Ethiopia). (May-June 2017) 3, International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Researchh.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Saleem Shaik, Afia Agyekum, Julie Melikpor-Lee (2014). (Energy Substitution in U.S. Electricity Generation). (10) 5, pp. 1845-1853. Journal of Business and Economics.
- Issah Sugri, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, John Bidzakin, Cephas Naanwaab, Stephen Nutsugah, James Kombiok (2014). (Participatory On-farm Evaluation of Some Storage Methods and Grain Protectants on Quality Characteristics of Maize (Zea mays L.)). (11) 4, pp. 1268-1279. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture .
- Cephas Naanwaab, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2013). (Determinants of Productivity in Africa: The Role of Economic Freedom). (32) 6, Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics.
- Anthony Yeboah, Cephas Naanwaab, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, John Owens (2013). (Economic Feasibility of Sustainable High Oilseed-Based Biofuel Production: The Case for Biodiesel in North Carolina). (1) 16, pp. 41-66. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.
- Nicholas Williamson, Joy Bhadury, Samuel Troy, Kathryn Dobie, Victor Ofori-Boadu, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2012). (An Assessment of the Operating Characteristics of Farm Wineries, and Managerial Perspectives of Farm Winery Owners Who Use Distributors). 18, pp. 34-49. Journal of Food Products Marketing.
- Nicholas C. Williamson, Joy Bhadury, Dobie Kay, Victor Ofori-Boadu, Parker Troy Samuel, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2012). (Business coursework and the resource-based view (RBV)). 24, pp. 19-32. International Journal of Wine Business Research.
- 2. Naanwaab, Cephas , Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2012). (Demand for Fresh Vegetables in the United States: 1970–2010). In Anthony N. Rezitis, Economics Research International.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Gunden Cihat, Allen Albert J, Akuffo Akua S (2012). (Efficiency Measure in Nitrogen Management under U.S. Trade Induced Corn Production). (3) 11, Southwestern Journal of Economics.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Ofori Boadu Victor, Thompson Henry (2012). (US Pork and China Trade in a Specific Factors Model). 13, pp. 2. Agricultural Economic Review .
- Frank Yeboah, Abolghasem Shahbazi, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Harmohindar Singh, Franklin H. Holcomb (2011). (Application of Real Options Analysis in the Valuation of Investment in Biodiesel Production). industrial Energy Technology Conference.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Shaik, Saleem, Wozniak, Shawn J, Allen, Albert J (2011). (Does the WTO Increase Trade? The Case of U.S. Cocoa Imports from WTO-Member Producing Countries). pp. 78-88. Journal of Food Distribution Research.
- Terrence Thomas, Gunden Cihart, Bulent Miran, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2011). (“Environmental Implications of Economic Efficiency in Cotton Production: A Case Study from Turkey. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration.”). 7, pp. 42-49. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration.
- Victor Ofori-Boadu, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Joyendu Bhadury, Kathryn Dobie, Samuel P Troy, Nicholas C Williamson (2011). (The emergent vinifera wine industry in North Carolina: A descriptive overview). Local Economy.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Henry Thompson, Saleem Shaik, Obed Quaicoe (2010). (Applied Theory of Energy Substitution in the Southeast: An SUR Approach). First International Conference on Green and Sustainable Technology.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Shaik Saleem, Quaicoe Obed (2010). (Evaluating the Causes of Rising Food Prices in Low and Middle Income Countries). In Saleem Shaik , Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics.
- Allen, A, A. E Myles, , S Shaik, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2010). (Safety of Food Imports Entering the United States: A Cross-Country and Violation Analysis In “Facing Global Crises: local Solutions to Energy, Food and Persistent Poverty). In Nii O.Tackie, Robert Zabawa, Ntam Baharanyi, and Walter Hill,, Food and Persistent Poverty.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Victor Ofori-Boadu, Henry Thompson (2010). (The Impact of a BSE Outbreak in a Specific Factors Model). 7, pp. 47-5. International Journal of Applied Economics.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Victor Ofori-Boadu, , Salifou Samaila (2009). (A Foot and Mouth Disease Induced Model of US Excess Supply of Beef). 12, Southern Agricultural Economics Association.
- Mostafa Malki, Henry Thompson, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2009). (Alabama Forest Products and the Potential). pp. 130-43. Journal of Economic Integration .
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2009). (Exchange Rates Impacts on Agricultural Inputs Prices using VAR). pp. 511-520. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Shaik Saleem, Albert J Allen (2009). (Exchange Rates Impacts on Agricultural Inputs Prices using VAR). (2) 41, pp. 2. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
- Allen, Albert J, Myles, Albert E, Shaik Saleem, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2008). (An Analysis of Trends in Food Import Refusals in the United). XXXIX, Journal of Food Distribution Research.
- Mostafa Malki, Henry Thompson, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2008). (A Specific Factor Model of FTAA and North Carolina Textile and Apparel Industries). 12, pp. 227-236. International Economic Journal.
- T Thomas, Victor Ofori-Boadu , E. Fosu, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2008). (Assessing local community support for sustainable agricultural production systems). 5, pp. 138-150. Journal of environmental Monitoring and Restoration .
- Terrence Thomas, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Victor Boadu, Edward Fosu (2008). (“Assessing Local Community Support for Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems.” ). 5, pp. 191-203. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration.
- Kathryn Dobie, Victor Ofori-Boadu, Nicholas Williamson, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (2008). (BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT NEEDS OF THE WINE INDUSTRY IN THE YADKIN VALLEY, SWAN CREEK, AND HAW RIVER VITICULTURAL AREAS). pp. 37. Southern Agricultural Economics Association.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Terrence Thomas, Victor Boadu, Paula Faulkner (2008). (Fuel Prices and Substitution of Nitrogen Fertilizer Input in Irrigated Corn Production). 5, pp. 191-203. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, Terrence Thomas, Timothy Foster, Edward Fosu (2008). (Pollution, Environmental Justice and the North Carolina Pork Industry). pp. 127-137. Proceedings of the 2007 National Conference on Environmental Science and Technology .
- Terrence Thomas, Osei-Agyemang Yeboah, James Bukenya, Benjamin Gray, Victor Boadu (2007). (Accounting for Socio-Cultural Factors in Designing Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems). (1) 3, pp. 127-139. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (Assessing US Agricultural Export Under North American Free Trade Agreement: A Shift Share Analysis). Vol. 23(6, Journal of Applied Business & Economics.
- Osei-Agyemang Yeboah (Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic and Poverty on Food Insecurity: Yearly Spatial Analysis). Vol.12, No.4 , Scientific Research.