Harmandeep Sharma

Research Assistant Professor

Harmandeep Sharma
Google Scholar

College of Ag & Environ Sciences

Natural Resources & Environ Design

Carver Hall 209C
Ph.D.Biology / Idaho State University
M.S.Plant & Environmental Sciences / New Mexico State University
B.S.Soil Science / Punjab Agricultural University


Dr. Sharma has bachelor's in Soil Science from Punjab Agricultural University in India, a master's in Plant and Environmental Sciences with minor in Applied Statistics from New Mexico State University, and a doctorate in Biology (Plant Sciences) and minor in Biology Education from Idaho State University. Since earning her doctorate in 2019, she has worked as an adjunct teaching faculty and research associate at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University.

Research Interests

Dr. Sharma’s research focuses on designing sustainable crop production systems using digital agricultural technologies such as sensors and drones. She has worked in both agricultural and natural ecosystems where she utilized various ground-based sensor technologies to understand the impact of plant physiological processes on crop production and quality. Her previous research involved big data collection and modelling to predict plant physiological responses under changing climatic conditions. Dr. Sharma’s current research focuses on understanding how combination of abiotic factors impact yield and quality of specialty crops in North Carolina. Her research work has been published in Agricultural Water Management, Plant Ecology, Agriculture, Sustainability and HortScience.

Recent Publications

  • Harmandeep Sharma, Keith Reinhardt, Kathleen Lohse (2021). (Fundamental intra-specific differences in plant–water relations in a widespread desert shrub (Artemisia tridentata)). DOI: 10.1007/s11258-020-01051-y, Plant Ecology.
  • Arnab Bhowmik, Harmandeep Sharma, Abolghasem Shahbazi (2020). (A Review on the Current State of Knowledge of Growing Conditions, Agronomic Soil Health Practices and Utilities of Hemp in the United States). 10, pp. 129. Agriculture.
  • Beatrice Dingha, Sudan Gyawaly, Sarah Adjei-Fremah, Harmandeep Sharma, Arnab Bhowmik, Mulumebet Worku, Louis Jackai (2020). (Organic Mulch Increases Insect Herbivory by the Flea Beetle Species, Disonycha glabrata, on Amaranthus spp.). (3) 11, pp. 162. Insects.
  • Arnab Bhowmik, Surinder Kukal, Debasish Saha, Harmandeep Sharma, Anu Kalia, Sandeep Sharma (2019). (Potential Indicators of Soil Health Degradation in Different Land Use-Based Ecosystems in the Shiwaliks of Northwestern India). 11, pp. 3908. Sustainability.
  • Harmandeep Sharma, Keith Reinhardt, Kathleen Lohse, Ken Aho (2019). (Summer-Time Carbon and Water Fluxes in Sagebrush Ecosystems Spanning Rain- to Snow-Dominated Precipitation Regimes). DOI: 10.1016/j.rama.2019.11.002, Rangeland Ecology & Management.
  • Harmandeep Sharma, Manoj Shukla, Paul Bosland, Robert Steiner (2016). (Soil moisture sensor calibration, actual evapotranspiration, and crop coefficients for drip irrigated greenhouse chile peppers). DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.07.001, Agricultural Water Management.
  • Harmandeep Sharma, Manoj Shukla, Paul Bosland, Robert Steiner (2015). (Physiological Responses of Greenhouse-grown Drip-irrigated Chile Pepper under Partial Root Zone Drying). 50(8), pp. 1224-1229. HortScience.