University Writing Center
Spring 2025
Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
We provide in-person and virtual consultations by appointment. Walk-ins are welcome and will be assisted on a first-come, first-served basis.
The University Writing Center's mission is to provide high-quality writing service to all N.C. A&T State University students through in-person and online strategies such as consultations, presentations, and workshops. The University Writing Center is dedicated to supporting writers in their efforts to become confident, proficient academic and professional writers and to fostering a community of critical writers and critical thinkers in accordance with the University’s mission to engage “high-achieving scholars” in life-changing pedagogical practices. Hence, our motto is "Writers Transform Writers!"
We believe writing is a way of learning, so we promote writing as a recursive process and a product. We assist writers at any stage of their writing process (reading, prewriting, drafting, researching, revising, and publishing) and with any course assignment or extracurricular project such as personal statement, cover letter, and resume.
Equally important, we apply evidence-based practices such as
- reading (read-aloud protocol),
- thinking (Socratic questioning),
- writing instruction (note-taking),
- teaching computer literacy (functional, critical, and rhetorical), and
- providing immediate, effective feedback (verbal comments and written conference reports).
Writing consultants participate in ongoing training and professional development, and they possess a deep commitment to help their peers learn how to improve their writing skills.
A309 General Classroom Building (adjacent to Crosby Hall and Craig Hall)
336-285-3531 (phone) (email)
Follow us on Instagram
Dr. Shirley E. Faulkner-Springfield
Director, University Writing Center
University Student Success Office (USSO)
Division of Academic Affairs
A308 General Classroom Building (email)
336-285-3523 (phone)
If you would like to share your experience with us, complete a Student Satisfaction Survey.