Title IX
Title IX is a federal civil rights law that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. It prohibits discrimination based on the sex (gender) of employees and students of educational institutions that receive federal funding. Title IX addresses sexual harassment, sexual violence, and any gender-based discrimination that may deny a person access to educational benefits and opportunities. Under Title IX, universities are legally required to promptly address and remedy issues involving sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and discrimination.
North Carolina A&T State University prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, gender transition status, sex- or gender-stereotyping, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, or protected veterans. N.C. A&T is committed to ensuring equal access to the University’s programs and activities, and promoting diversity and inclusion based on sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity.
The Title IX Office staff works to ensure that the University responds quickly, appropriately, and equitably to issues involving sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and discrimination. Staff provides a number of gender equity-related activities, including consultation, education, and training workshops to prevent and address sexual misconduct and discrimination in the N.C. A&T community.
Contact Information:
Title IX Office
Dowdy Administration Building, Suite 422
1601 East Market Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27411