Yvonne Ford

Assistant Professor

Yvonne Ford
College of Health & Human Sciences

School of Nursing

Noble Hall 229
Ph.D.Nursing / The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
M.S.Clinical Leadership / Duke University
M.S.Clinical Research Management / Duke University
B.S.Nursing / Barton College

Research Interests

My research interest is in cardiovascular health of African American women who are breast cancer survivors and lifestyle interventions in this population. Genomic predictors of heart failure and epigentics are also an area of interest.

Recent Publications

  • Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi, Yvonne Ford (2024). (Combined Effects of Environmental Metals and Physiological Stress on Lipid Dysregulation). (4) 12, Medical Sciences.
  • Yvonne Ford (2023). (Facilitators and barriers to physical activity among African American long-term breast cancer survivors.).
  • Yvonne Ford (2022). (*Prevalence of food insecurity among cancer survivors in the United States: A scoping review.).
  • Yvonne Ford (2022). (*Recognition of culturally diverse cuisine in popular nutrition apps.).
  • Yvonne Ford, S Pickett (2019). (Predictors of Body Image Perception among African American Women.). pp. 193945919894709. Western Journal of Nursing Research.
  • Yvonne Ford (2019). (Stories of African-American Breast Cancer Survivors.). (2) 30, pp. 26-33. Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNA.
  • Yvonne Ford (2017). ("We're different and it's okay that we're different":Long-term breast cancer survivorship among African American women). (1) 10, pp. 28-40. Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity.
  • Yvonne Ford (1922).