Huan Li

Assistant Professor

Huan Li
Google Scholar

College of Business & Economics


Merrick Hall 116
Ph.D.Economics / State University of New York at Binghamton
MAEconomics / State University of New York at Binghamton
MAAccounting / North China Electric Power University
B.S.Finance / Xi''an University of Technology


Dr. Li's research is in environmental economics, with special focuses on air quality, environmental policy effectiveness, and environmental justice. Her recent work focuses on air pollution from unconventional shale gas development, coal-fired power plants polluting behavior in response to changes in regulatory stringency, and the environmental injustice. Her research mainly relies on causal inference models using administrative data, secondary data, and satellite-retrieved data.

Research Interests

Environmental Economics and Justice, Health Economics, Racial Inequality, Agricultural Business

Recent Publications

  • Ruohao Zhang, Huan LI, Neha Khanna (2024). (Monitoring and Enforcement and Environmental Compliance: Power Plant Emissions during the 2018-2019 Federal Government Shutdown). Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  • Huan LI, Lyubov Kurkalova, Scott Simkins, Shona Morgan (2024). (Undergraduate Research Opportunities in an Applied Economics Program: Expanding Pathways for Economics Majors (and Beyond) at Land-Grant HBCUs). Applied Economics Teaching Resources.
  • Ruohao Zhang, Huan LI, Neha Khanna, Alan Krupnick, Elaine Hill, Daniel Sullivan (2023). (Air Quality Impacts of Shale Gas Development in Pennsylvania). Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  • Ruohao Zhang, Huan LI, Neha Khanna (2021). (Environmental justice and the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from New York State). 110, pp. 102554. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
  • Arim Park, Huan Li (2021). (The Effect of Blockchain Technology on Supply Chain Sustainability Performances). (1726) 13, Sustainability.
  • Huan LI, Neha Khanna (2018). (Does Voluntary Self-Regulation Provide Regulatory Relief? A Lesson from the Responsible Care Program in the United States). (1) 61, pp. 63-96. The Journal of Law and Economics.
  • Huan LI, Neha Khanna, Martina Vidovic (2018). (The effects of third party certification on voluntary self-regulation of accidents in the U.S. chemical industry). (3) 53, pp. 327-356. Journal of Regulatory Economics.
  • Huan LI, Carmen Carrión-Flores (2017). (An analysis of the ENERGY STAR® program in Alachua County, Florida). 131, pp. 98-108. Ecological Economics.