Dr. Graves has over 20 years of experience in teaching and researching embedded systems and is the director of the Auto, Mobile, Pervasive, and Embedded Design (AMPED) Laboratory at NC A&T State University. The AMPED Lab accommodates the exploration of embedded/pervasive systems in various human-centered environments such as the automobile, home, classroom, and office. As the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine learning (ML) have evolved, in recent years, to now be major drivers in both embedded and pervasive computing, he leverages these technologies as appropriate.
Research Interests
Dr. Graves’s research focus is in the area of pervasive computing systems for education enhancement, which involves leveraging computing and information systems to enhance education processes such that the technology is embedded into a normal teaching or learning routine in a seamless, or near-seamless, manner. Current projects involve researching the feasibility of implementing smart-desk based classrooms that rely on untethered power sources, including harvested, as well as wirelessly transmitted, energy. Classroom teaching/learning enhancement applications for such a smart classroom will rely greatly on both IoT and ML.
Recent Publications
- Corey Graves, Sam Muldrew, Jerono Rotich, Brandon Judd, (2011). (Estimating and Conveying User Activity Levels in a Multi-User Computer Assisted Exercise Motivation System). (Emerging Pervasive and Ubiquitous Aspects of Information Systems: Cross-Disciplinary Advancements) pp. 18-36. IGA Globlal.
- Corey Graves, Eric Cheek, Sonya Ricks (2005). (Modeling a Spider Web as an Electrical Network). (Computers in Education Journal) (2) XV, pp. 101-111. ASEE.
- Clay Gloster, Corey Graves, M. Figueiredo, Mark Stephens, Mouna Nakkar (2000). (Implementation of Multi-Spectral Image Classification on a Remote Adaptive Computer). (3) 10, pp. 307-319. Journal of VLSI Design Special Issue on Reconfigurable Computing.