Kunigal Shivakumar


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Fort IRC 205
Ph.D.Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering / Indian Institute of Science
OtherCivil Engineering / Indian Institute of Science
OtherEngineering / The Bangalore University

Research Interests

Development of Innovative Composite Materials for Multifunctional Applications
Development of Damage Tolerance Models for Composite Materials and Metals
Carbon/Carbon Composites

Recent Publications

  • Bharath Kenchappa, Bharath Kenchappa, Wade Brown (2022). (Sustainable Pond-Fly Ash Geopolymer Mortar Technology that Eliminates CO2 Emission and Replaces Natural Sand). (Article 5672, 2022) Academia Letters.
  • H Shivakumar, Nijagal Renukappa, Kunigal Shivakumar, Sudar Jaganathan (2020). (Advanced Epoxy-Carbon Fabric-Graphene Nanocomposite for Electro-Chemical Sensing). (21) 20, pp. 13066013073. IEEE, Sensors Journal.
  • Al Imran, Kazi, Jianzhong Lou, Kunigal Shivakumar (2018). (Enhancement of electrical and thermal conductivity of polypropylene by graphene nanoplatelets). (9) 135, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE.
  • Al Imran, Kazi, Jianzhong Lou, Kunigal Shivakumar (2018). (Enhancement of electrical and thermal conductivity of polypropylene by graphene nanoplatelets). (9) 135, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE.
  • Kazi Imran, Kunigal Shivakumar (2018). (Enhancement of electrical conductivity of epoxy using graphene and determination of their thermo-mechanical properties). (2) 37, pp. 118-133. JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES.
  • Raghu Panduranga, Kunigal Shivakumar (2017). (Mode-II total fatigue life model for unidirectional IM7/8552 carbon/epoxy composite laminate). 94, pp. 97-109. International Journal of Fatigue.
  • Rupan Talukder, Kunigal Shivakumar (2016). (Measurement of Vibrational Stiffness and Air Damping of Damselfly Wings). (3) 7, Journal of Biomaterials and Nanotechnology.
  • Kunigal Shivakumar, Raghu Panduranga, John Skujins, Sandi Miller (2015). (Assessment of mode-II fracture tests for unidirectional fiber reinforced composite laminates). Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites.
  • Paul Akangah, Kunigal Shivakumar (2013). (Assessment of Impact Damage Resistance and Tolerance of Polymer Nanofiber Interleaved Composite Laminates). (2) 2, Jl of Computer Science and Technology.
  • Paul Akangah, S Lingaiah, Kunigal Shivakumar (2010). (Effect of Nylon-66 Nano-fiber Interleaving on Impact Damage Resistance of Carbon/Epoxy Fiber Composite Laminates). (6) 92, Composite Structures.
  • Vijay Krishnan, Ajit Kelkar, Kunigal Shivakumar (2004). (Comparative study of woven-roving and stitch-bonded composites under low velocity impact loads). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
  • Kunigal Shivakumar (Development of Lightweight Micro-Porous Materials for Acoustic Applications). The Journal of Materials & Design.
  • Kunigal Shivakumar, Bharath Kenchappa, Kazi Imran (Mechanical, Fire and Electrical Insulation Properties of Polyurethane Fly Ash Composites). Polymers - MDPI.