Stephanie E Kelly


Stephanie E Kelly
College of Business & Economics

Business Info Systems & Analytics

Merrick Hall 142
M.S.Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation / University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ph.D.Communication and Information / University of Tennessee
M.S.Organizational Communication / Murray State University
B.S.Mathematics / Murray State University

Research Interests

As a communication scholar, presence is Dr. Kelly's research domain, with specializations in measurement. She is primarily interested in the mediating role of presence variables in communicative exchanges.

Recent Publications

  • Nicholas Bowman, Stephanie Kelly, Kenneth Rocker, Kyle Vareberg, David Westerman (2025). (Teaching mediated communication technologies). In J. P. Mazer, D. D. Sellnow, & M. G. Strawser, (Teaching Communication Volume II: Communication Studies) pp. 167-184.
  • Jorge Gaytan, Stephanie Kelly, Ian Berry, Wiley Brown, Michael Cundall, Stephen Croucher (2024). (An exploration of student dissent in asynchronous online courses). (3) 49, pp. 232-242. Career and Technical Education Research Journal.
  • Stephanie Kelly, David Westerman (2024). (A primer in the philosophy of science: A guide to thinking like a scientist for social scientists). Kendall Hunt.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Doug Ashwell, Shawn Condon (2024). (Conflict styles with individualistic, low power distance, and low context nations: A four nation comparison). (4) 41, pp. 232-242. Communication Research Reports.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Doug Ashwell, Sean Condon, Beth Tootle (2024). (Cross-cultural measurement validation: An analysis of dissent, workplace freedom of speech, and perceived immediacy. ). (2) 41, pp. 71-81. Communication Research Reports.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jihyun Kim, Ryan Goke, Kevin Bryant (2024). (Do Instructors’ Choice of Virtual Background in Online Classes Matter? Effects of Personal vs. Professional Virtual Background Use on Instructor Credibility and Student Learning). (International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction) (22) 40, pp. 7314-7321. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Wiley Brown, Sherrie Drye (2024). (Do we burn ourselves to save face? Face concerns as a predictor of subordinate willingness to self-censor and burnout). (3) 61, pp. 631-649. International Journal of Business Communication.
  • Cheng Zeng, Stephanie Kelly, Ryan Goke, Audra Driers-Lawson (2024). (Employee voice as a means to facilitate organizational safety and crisis preparedness). (Communication Quarterly) (2) 72, pp. 299-319. Communication Quarterly.
  • Matthew Hirschtritt, Stephanie Kelly (2024). (Four Tips for Improving Video Telehealth Patient-Clinician Communication). (11) 332, pp. 929-930. Journal of the American Medical Association Inisghts.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jihyun Kim, Jae Hoon Choi (2024). (How appropriateness and enjoyment of instructor’s virtual backgrounds affect students’ perceptions of learning). 6, Frontiers in Computer Science.
  • Kevin James, Stephanie Kelly (2024). (Instructional communication and prejudice). In Elvis Nshom and Stephen Croucher, (Research Handbook on Communication and Prejudice) pp. 241–253.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2024). (Introduction to the themed issue on student-to-student communication). (3) 24, pp. 131-132. Review of Communication.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jihyun Kim, Ian Berry, Ryan Goke (2024). (Student impressions of instructors based on Zoom backgrounds: Investigating perceived technical skills of instructors and affective learning of students). 6, Frontiers in Computer Science.
  • Laquanda Johnson, Arim Park, Stephanie Kelly (2024). (The Effect of Instructor Communication on Affective Learning in a Supply Chain Management Course). Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education .
  • Michelle Violanti, Stephanie Kelly, Emily Denton, Makayla Schill (2024). (The importance of instructor confirming messages in business communication students' writing apprehension). (3) 87, pp. 383-403. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.
  • Hocheol Yang, Jihyun Kim, Stephanie Kelly, Ryan Goke (2024). (The virtual classroom divide: How does the self-efficacy gap reshape online learning? ). (3) 73, pp. 299-319. Communication Education.
  • Jihyun Kim, Stephanie Kelly, A Colon, Patric Spence, X Lin (2024). (Toward thoughtful integration of AI in education: Mitigating uncritical positivity and dependence on ChatGPT via classroom discussions). (4) 73, pp. 388-404. Communication Education.
  • Jihyun Kim, Stephanie Kelly, Kun Xu (2024). (Understanding the influence of student expectations of instructor immediate behaviors on AI-based education: The moderating role of social presence of AI instructors). (4) 72, pp. 421-438. Communication Quarterly.
  • Nicholas Bowman, Kyle Vareberg, Kenneth Rocker, Stephanie Kelly, David Westerman (2023). (A history of instructional technology). In M. G. Strawser, (Instructional communication in professional contexts)
  • Michelle Violanti, Stephanie Kelly (2023). (Business and Professional Communication Playbook: Essential Skills for Tomorrow's Workforce). Sage.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Stephen Croucher, Kevin James (2023). (Diverse Insights in Measurement Development). (2) 72, pp. 191-193. Communication Education.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2023). (Instructional communication during pandemics). (Pandemic Communication) Routledge.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2023). (Introduction to the themed issue on presence). (4) 23, pp. 309-311. Review of Communication.
  • Sherrie Drye, Stephanie Kelly, Thelma Woodard (2023). (Professionals’ understanding of accessibility regarding business communication materials). (3) 86, pp. 235-256. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Sherrie Drye, Wiley Brown (2023). (Supervisor Listening as a Predictor of Subordinate Dissent). (1) 36, pp. 41-53. Communication Reports.
  • Michael Sollitto, Stephanie Kelly (2023). (What about me? Veteran organizational members' negative emotional responses to newcomers). (4) 40, pp. 193-205. Communication Research Reports.
  • Michael Sollitto, Stephanie Kelly (2023). ("What about me?" Veteran Organizational Members' Negative Emotional Responses to Newcomers). (4) 40, pp. 193-250. Communication Research Reports.
  • Jorge Gaytan, Stephanie Kelly, Wiley Brown (2023). (Writing Apprehension in the Online Classroom: The Limits of Instructor Behaviors). (4) 85, pp. 376-394. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Stephen Croucher, Kyung Kim, Tatiana Permyakova, Elira Turdubaeva, Kenneth Rocker, G Stanalieva, B Orunbekov, S Rimkeeratikul (2022). (A general math anxiety measure). (6) 12, Education Sciences.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Hui Chen, Kenneth Rocker, Joanna Cullinane, Dini Homsey, George Ding, Thao Nguyen, Kirstey Anderson, Green, Doug Ashwell, Malcolm Wright, Nitha Palakshappa (2022). (Articulated Dissent and Immediacy: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns). (2) 33, pp. 181-202. International Journal of Conflict Management.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Tiffany Tovey (2022). (Data Visualization as Communication: The Role of Business Communication in Data Analytics). (1) 5, pp. 42-45. Business Communication Research and Practice.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Michelle Violanti, Emily Denton, Ian Berry (2022). (Instructor Misbehaviors as Predictors of Students’ Writing Apprehension). (4) 70, pp. 429-447. Communication Quarterly.
  • Hocheol Yang, Jihyun Kim, Stephanie Kelly, Kelly Merrill Jr. (2022). (Learning in the Online Classroom: Exploring the Unique Influence of Social Presence Dimensions). (3) 73, pp. 245-262. Communication Studies.
  • Jihyun Kim, Kelly Merill, Kelly Xu, Stephanie Kelly (2022). (Perceived credibility of an AI instructor in online education: The role of social presence and voice features). 36, Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Emeline Ojeda-Hetch, Stephanie Kelly, Ryan Goke, R Christen (2022). (Perceived immediacy and burnout as mediators of instructor misbehaviors and students’ task value). (4) 87, pp. 373-385. Southern Journal of Communication.
  • Michael Cundall, Stephanie Kelly, Kenneth Rocker, Ryan Goke, Kyle Barrentine, Ayanna Dawkins (2022). (Supervisor communicative behaviors as influence of subordinate burnout: The mediating effects of perceived immediacy and burnout). (1) 6, Israeli Journal of Humor Studies.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Malcolm Green, Dini Holmes, Joanna Cullinane, Kenneth Rocker, Thao Nguyen, Kirsty Anderson, Hui Chen, George Ding, Do Ashwell, Malcolm Wright, Nitha Palakshappa (2022). (The Link between Supervisor-Subordinate Computer-Mediated Immediate Behaviors and Organizational Identification in U.S., English, and Australian Organizations). Management Communication Quarterly.
  • Tiffany Tovey, Stephanie Kelly, Wiley Brown (2022). (The Relationships among Locus of Control, the Impostor Phenomenon, and Math Anxiety in Business Majors). (1) 163, pp. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/ijbe/vol163/iss1/2/. International Journal of Business Education.
  • Stephen Croucher, Thao Nguyen, Erika Pearson, Niki Murray, Angela Feekery, Anthony Spencer, Gomez, Davide Girardelli, Stephanie Kelly (2021). (A comparative analysis of Covid-19-related prejudice: the United States, Spain, Italy, and New Zealand). (2) 38, pp. 79-89. Communication Research Reports.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Mark Burkey, Anthony Spencer, Oscar Gomez, Carmencita Del Villar, Nadirabegim Eskiçorapçı (2021). (A multi-national validity analysis of the Argumentativeness Measure). (1) 32, pp. 88-101. International Journal of Conflict Management.
  • Michael Cundall, Stephanie Kelly (2021). (Cases on Applied and Theraputic Humor). In Cundall & Kelly, IGI Global.
  • Kenneth Rocker, Stephanie Kelly, Stephen Croucher, Jo Cullinane, Kristie Andersen (2021). (Computer-mediated immediate behaviors and their impact on structurational divergence in superior-subordinate relationships). (5) 38, pp. 315-324. Communication Research Reports.
  • Christopher Claus, Davide Girardelli, Stephanie Kelly, Tatianna Permyakova (2021). (Cultural changes in instructional practices due to COVID-19).
  • Stephen Croucher, Hui Chen, Stephanie Kelly, Doug Ashwell (2021). (Examining the relationship between face concerns and dissent). (1) 32, pp. 20-38. International Journal of Conflict Management.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2021). (Online Instructional Communication). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Croucher, S., Kelly, S., Green, M., & Pearson, E. (2021). The impact of student nationality and course type on perceptions of teacher credibility. Communication Research and Practice6(4), 342-356. 
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Cheng Zeng, Mark Burkey, Flora Galy-Badenas (2020). (A longitudinal examination of validity and temporal stability of organizational dissent measurement in France). Online First, pp. 107-118. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Diyako Ramani, Mark Burkey, Talgat Subanaliev, Flora Galy-Badenas, Agnes Lando, Monica Chiba, Venantie Nyiranasbimana, Elira Turdubaeva, Nadirabegim Eskiçorapçı, Kelsea Jackson (2020). (A multi-national validity analysis of the Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale). 13, pp. 1-12. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication.
  • Stephanie Kelly, David Westerman (2020). (Doing communication science: Thoughts on making more valid claims). (3) 44, pp. 177-184. Annals of the International Communication Association.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Tiffany Smith, Wiley Brown (2020). (Emotional intelligence as a predictor of writing and public speaking anxieties). (2) 3, pp. 76-85. Business Communication Research and Practice.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Alfredo Romero Aguirre, Jennifer Morrow, Zachary Denton, Johnny Ducking (2020). (Instructor Misbehaviors and Math Anxiety). 33, pp. 27-40. Communication Reports.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly (2020). (Introduction and the need for validity). (3) 44, pp. 175-176. Annals of the International Communication Association.
  • Davide Girardeli, Stephanie Kelly, C Bodon, X Zhou, T Gu (2020). ("Learning lords" and "ink in your stomach:" Eliciting Chinese EFL Students beliefs about classroom participation). 69, pp. 155-175. Communication Education.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Ryan Goke, Mackenzy McCall, S Dowell (2020). (Parasocial relationships with President Trump as a predictor of COVID-19 information seeking.). Frontiers in Communication: Health Communication.
  • Laquanda Johnson, Stephanie Kelly (2020). (Student Predispositions as Predictors of Dissent Behaviors in Supply Chain Courses*). (2) 18, pp. 270-290. DECISION SCIENCES-JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION.
  • Wiley Brown, Sherrie Drye, Stephanie Kelly (2020). (Tech Tips for Business Students). (4) 74, pp. 4-6. Business Education Forum.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jorge Gaytan (2020). (The effect of instructors’ immediate behaviors and clarity on student writing apprehension). 83, pp. 96-109. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Patrick MacDonald (2019). (A Look at Leadership Styles and Workplace Solidarity Communication). 56, pp. 432-448. International Journal of Business Communication.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Diyako Rahmani, T Subanaliev, Kelsey Jackson, Flora Galy-Badenas, A Lando, M Chibita, V Nyiranasbimana, Elira Turdubaeva, N Eskiçorapçı, Shawn Condon, G Stanalieva, B Orunbekov (2019). (A multi-national validity analysis of the Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24)). (Annals of the International Communication Association) 43, pp. 193-209. Annals of the International Communication Association.
  • Patrick MacDonald, Stephanie Kelly, Scott Christen (2019). (A path model of workplace solidarity, satisfaction, burnout, and motivation). 56, pp. 31-49. International Journal of Business Communication.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2019). (Computer-Mediated Communication for Business: Theory to Practice). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Ryan Goke, Stephanie Kelly (2019). (Developing presence). (Computer-mediated communication for business: Theory to practice)
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly (2019). (Face concerns). In J. Mazer & E. Graham, (Communication Methods and Measures III)
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly (2019). (Measurement in intercultural and cross-cultural communication). In J. Mazer & E. Graham, (Communication Methods and Measures III) pp. 141-49.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Stephen Croucher (2019). (Multicultural ethnic identity measure revised). In J. Mazer & E. Graham, (Communication Methods and Measures III) pp. 304-308.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jorge Gaytan (2019). (Student perspectives on their meaningful, integrated learning process). (1) 15, pp. 1-6. Journal of Applied Research for Business Instruction.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Alfredo Romero Aguirre (2019). (The Consequences of Invisible Chronic Health Conditions at Work: Implications for Business Communication Education and Training). 2, pp. 13-21. Business Communication Research and Practice.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, Shawn Condon, E Campbell, Flora Badenas, Diyako Rahmani, Cheng Zheng, Elvis Nshom (2018). (A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between cultural adaptation and argumentativeness). 55, pp. 91-108. International Journal of Conflict Management.
  • C Zeng, S Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, C Hui (2018). (An exploration of organizational assimilation among state-owned, private-owned, and foreign-invested enterprises in China). (1) 35, pp. 58-67. Communication Research Reports.
  • Stephen Croucher, Talgot Elira, T Elira, Stephanie Kelly (2018). (An exploratory analysis of argumentativeness in Kyrgyzstan). 10, pp. 91-98. Russian Journal of Communication.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Sherrie Drye, Christina Williamson (2018). (Business teacher immediacy and students' affective learning: The mediating role of perceived immediacy). 59, pp. 12-24. The Journal of Research in Business Education.
  • Stephen Croucher, Stephanie Kelly, H Chen (2018). (Cross-cultural issues in organizational dissent and humor orientation). 2, pp. 102-105. Business Communication Research and Practice.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Stephen Croucher, Todd Sandel, Fei Yu (2018). (Infusing infographics into the business curriculum: A study of infographic interpretations in China, New Zealand, and the United States). 7, pp. 1-21. Global Advances in Business Communication.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Liping Liu, Zachary Denton, Clinton Lee, Stephen Croucher (2018). (Instructional Immediacy in the Chinese Quantitative Reasoning Classroom). 118, pp. 104-112. School Science and Mathematics.
  • Michelle Violanti, Stephanie Kelly, Michelle Garland, Scott Christen (2018). (Instructor Clarity, Humor, Immediacy, and Student Learning: Replication and Extension). (3) 69, pp. 251-262. Communication Studies.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Zachary Denton (2018). (Introducing intercultural communication by introducing Deaf culture). 34, pp. 57-64. Carolinas Communication Annual.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Laura Graham, Patrick MacDonald, Ryan Goke (2018). (Organizational citizenship behaviors as influenced by supervisor communication: The role of solidarity and immediate behaviors). (2) 1, pp. 61-69. Business Communication Research and Practice.
  • Scott Christen, Stephanie Kelly, Dawn Rensley (2018). (Preparing students for online interviews). (1) 73, pp. 4-6. Business Education Forum.
  • Jennifer Morrow, Lisa Shipley, Stephanie Kelly (2018). (Using PechaKucha in the classroom). In R. J. Harnish, K. R. Bridges, D. N. Sattler, M. L. Signorella, & M. Munson , (The Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning) pp. 307-314. Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
  • Jennifer Morrow, Stephanie Kelly, Lisa Shipley (2018). (Using PechaKucha to enhance communication students understanding of statistics). (The use of technology in teaching and learning)
  • Hamlet Autman, Stephanie Kelly (2017). (Reexamining the Writing Apprehension Measure). 80, pp. 516-529. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.
  • Wiley Brown, Sherrie Drye, Stephanie Kelly (2017). (Resources for Teaching Business Students Social Media). (1) 72, pp. 4-6. Business Education Forum.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2017). (Seusically speaking: An elocution activity). In J. S. Seiter, J. Peeples, & M. L. Sanders, Bedford/ St. Martin.
  • Jorge Gaytan, Stephanie Kelly (2017). (The promotion and integration of learning in the business education classroom). 58, pp. 11-22. Journal for Research in Business Education.
  • Stephanie Kelly, David Westerman (2016). (18. New Technologies and Distributed Learning Systems). (Communication and Learning) pp. 455-480. De Gruyter.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jeanne Holmes (2016). (Changing the Discussion of Professional Attire and Grooming). 71, pp. 4-6. Business Education Forum.
  • Hamlet Autman, Stephanie Kelly, Jorge Gaytan, Sharon Hunter (2016). (Measuring high school students' communication readiness: Does communication apprehension, writing ability, and speaking ability correlate with their perceptions of professional appearance? ). 57, pp. 42-56. The Journal of Research in Business Education.
  • Ho-Young Ahn, Stephanie Kelly (2016). (Pulling it all together: The art of persuasion). (Conversations with your audience: A practical guide for preparing and delivering professional presentations) pp. 181/211.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2015). (Constructive peer evaluations: The toilet paper stuck to my shoe lesson). 3, pp. 82-85. Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Hamlet Autman (2015). (Effective computer-mediated business communication: Fostering Immediacy). 56, pp. 48-58. The Journal of Research in Business Education.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jennifer Morrow, Gary Skolits (2015). (Effective Mentorship: Effective Communication). In Chi Archibong, (Contemporary issues surrounding ethical research methods and practice) pp. 181-211.
  • Scott Christen, Stephanie Kelly, Lisa Fall, Lisa Snyder (2015). (Exploring business students’ communicative needs: Social presence in the online classroom). 54, pp. 31-46. The Journal for Research in Business Education.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Christopher Claus (2015). (Practicing nonverbal awareness in the asynchronous online classroom). 29, pp. 1-5. Communication Teacher.
  • Tatjana Hocke, Stephanie Kelly, Patrick MacDonald (2015). (Student evaluation of university crisis communication response: The gunman threat at North Carolina A&T ). (Public Relations Journal) 9, pp. http://www.prsa.org/Intelligence/PRJournal/Vol9/No4/. Public Relations Journal.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Christopher Rice, Bryce Wyatt, Johnny Ducking, Zachary Denton (2015). (Teacher immediacy and decreased student quantitative reasoning anxiety: The mediating effect of perception). 26, pp. 171-186. Communication Education.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2015). (Teaching infographics: Visually communicating data for the business world). 69, pp. 35-37. Business Education Forum.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Jorge Gaytan, Patrick MacDonald, Robin Collins, Zachary Denton (2014). (An investigation of student apprehension: Testing student predictions of classroom aptitude via brain hemisphere dominance). 40, pp. 30-35. Business Teacher Education Journal.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Scott Eldredge, Elizabeth Dortch, Laura Miller (2014). (Health information behavior: An initial validity portfolio for active and passive measures). 31, pp. 171-182. Communication Research Reports.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2014). (Immediacy as an influence on supervisor-subordinate communication). Communication Research Reports.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2014). (Musical Thesis Statements). 30, pp. 99-101. Carolinas Communication Annual.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Laura Miller, Ho-Young Ahn, J Haley (2014). (Perceptions and portrayals of skin cancer among cultural subgroups). ISRN Dermatology.
  • Tatjana Hocke, Stephanie Kelly, Darrell Blaire, Ho-Young Ahn (2014). (Practicing critical research: Applying a feminist textual analysis to the film 300). 1, pp. 51-56. Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD.
  • Brittnie Peck, Scott Christen, Stephanie Kelly (2014). (Using “The Big Bang Theory” to make a big impact: Explaining theory guided research). 1, pp. 45-50. Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Scott Christen, Lisa Snyder (2013). (An analysis of effective online reputation management: A critical thinking social media activity). 55, pp. 24-35. The Journal of Research in Business Education.
  • Lisa Fall, Stephanie Kelly, Scott Christen (2013). (Instructional immediacy, motivation, and learning differentiated by online learner sex). Academic Exchange Quarterly.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2013). (Intercultural communication apprehension & emotional intelligence: Preparing college students for career success). 76, pp. 412-426. Business Communication Quarterly.
  • Jennifer Morrow, Stephanie Kelly, Gary Skolits (2013). (Reducing power distances in the classroom using student-based quantitative research scenarios: Applications in undergraduate and graduate research methods classrooms). 27, pp. 1-5. Communication Teacher.
  • Stephanie Kelly, Lisa Fall (2011). (An investigation of computer-mediated instructional immediacy in online education: A comparison of graduate and undergraduate students’ motivation to learn). 15, pp. 44-51. Journal of Advertising Education.
  • Ho-Young Ahn, Lei Wu, Stephanie Kelly, Eric Haley (2011). (A qualitative study of college student responses to conflicting messages in advertising: Anti-binge drinking public service announcements vs. wine promotion health messages). 56, pp. 271-279. International Journal of Public Health.
  • Stephanie Kelly, M Davis (2011). (Just another brick in the wall…or not? A paradigm introduction activity). 25, pp. 222-227. Communication Teacher.
  • Lisa Fall, Stephanie Kelly, Scott Christen (2011). (Revisiting the impact of instructional immediacy: A differentiation between military and civilians). 12, pp. 199-206. Quarterly Review of Distance Education.
  • Stephanie Kelly (2010). (Movie magic: A gateway to higher classroom immediacy). 24, pp. 127-130. Communication Teacher.