Ram V Mohan

Professor-Mechanical Engineering

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D.Mechanical Engineering / University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
M.S.Theoretical and Applied Mechanics / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S.Mechanical Engineering / West Virginia University
B.S.Mechanical Engineering / University of Madras


Dr. Ram Mohan is Professor of Nanoengineering at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN), at North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC, USA. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor of Nanoscience at JSNN. Dr. Mohan is also an affiliated faculty with the computational science and engineering graduate program and serves as the co-lead of the computational modeling research cluster at North Carolina A & T State University. He currently has more than 125 peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings to his credit. He is the recipient of the 2012 University Senior Researcher Award from North Carolina A&T State University. Prof. Mohan holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Minnesota, a M.S. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from West Virginia University, and a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Madras, India. Dr. Mohan’s research in his foundational core of mechanics and materials, contributions and interests include the areas mechanics, materials, and computational modeling of nanoengineered material systems

Research Interests

Computational Multi-Physics/Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulations in Engineering and Physical Applications from Material Chemistry to Micro and Engineering Scales and Verifications and Validations with Experimental Techniques; Computational Mechanics, Nanomechanics, Material Sciences; Low-Length Scale Experimental Characterization, Deformation and Failure of Nanostructures and nanomaterials; Processing, Mechanics, Characterization, and Computational Modeling of Composite and Nanoengineered Material Systems, Computational Modeling of Bio and Nano Systems, Interfaces, and Interactions; Transport Phenomena: Flow and Thermal Behavior during Composite Material Processing and in Fibrous Porous Media; Physics based Composite Process Modeling Simulations, Process Optimization with Experimental Investigations by Resin Transfer Molding (RTM), Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM), and Liquid Composite Molding (LCM) Processes; High Performance, Scalable Scientific Computing and Engineering Product Visualization; Engineering Education.

Recent Publications

  • A.E. Goodwin, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan (2021). (EFFECT OF SURFACE MODIFICATIONS ON THE LAP SHEAR STRENGTH OF ADHESIVELY BONDED JOINTS). pp. 555-569. Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2021.
  • A Rawal, Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan, M Pendse (2021). (Influence of Hydroxyproline on Mechanical Behavior of Collagen Mimetic Proteins Under Fraying Deformation-Molecular Dynamics Investigations.). (8) 143, Journal of biomechanical engineering.
  • Furkan Ulu, Ravi Singh Tomar, Ram Mohan (2021). (Processing and Mechanical Behavior of Rigid and Flexible material Composite Systems Formed via Voxel Digital Design in PolyJet Additive Manufacturing). (3) 27, pp. 617-626. Rapid Prototyping Journal.
  • Atul Rawal, Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan (2020). (Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Self-Association of Synthetic Collagen and Spider Silk Composite System for Biomaterial Applications). pp. 14. MRS Advances, Cambridge Core.
  • Ingrild Padilla-Espinosa, John Rivas Murillo, Ram Mohan (2020). (Molecular Material Modeling of Cement Paste Composite in Shock Loading). In American Concrete Institute, (6) 117, pp. 89-100. ACI Materials Journal.
  • Adrian Goodwin, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan (2019). (Experimental Investigations of Ni Nanoparticle-Polyurethane Acrylic Composite for Electrical Conductivity Enhancement). (43) 4, pp. 2337-2344. MRS ADVANCES.
  • Adrian Goodwin, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan (2019). (Experimental Investigations of Ni Nanoparticle-Polyurethane Acrylic Composite for Electrical Conductivity Enhancement). (43) 4, pp. 2337-2344. MRS Advances.
  • Ingrid Espinosa, Ram Mohan (2019). (Molecular Modeling of Nanoscale Features of Cement Paste and their Correlation to Engineering Scale Mechanical Behavior). (Smart Concretes and Cement-Based Materials) Smart Concretes and Cement Based Materials.
  • Ali Shiave, Ravi Pratap Tomar, Ingrid Espinosa, Ram Mohan (2019). (Nickel–Cobalt Core–Shell Nanowires Under Uniaxial Tensile Loading—A Molecular Dynamics Modeling Analysis). (12) 11, pp. 1187-1201. Advanced Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
  • John Murillo, Ram Mohan, Ahmed Mohamed (2018). (Constitutive Material Models for High Strain Rate Behavior of Cementitious Materials from Material Chemistry - Molecular Dynamics Modeling Metholodgy with Illustrative Application to Hydrated Calcium Silcate Hydrate Jennite). In S. Gopalakrishnan and Y. Rajapakse, (Blast Mitigation Strategies in Marine Composite and Sandwich Structures) Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  • Srinivas Grama, Abhilash Nagaraja, Suhasini Gururaja, Ram Mohan (2018). (Effect of Process Induced Variations on Machining Characteristics of a Model Epoxy Resin System). Machining Science and Technology.
  • Kristen Rhinehardt, Stephen Vance, Ram Mohan, Marinella Sandros, Goundla Srinivas (2018). (Molecular modeling and SPRi investigations of interleukin 6 (IL6) protein and DNA aptamers). (8) 36, pp. 1934-1947. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS.
  • A.G.N. Sofiah, M. Samykano, K. Kadirgama, Ram Mohan, N.A.C Lah (2018). (Review - Metallic Nanowires: Mechanical Properties - Theory and Experiment). 11, pp. 320-337. Applied Materials Today.
  • John Rivas-Murillo, Ahmed Mohamed, Wayne Hodo, Ram Mohan, A Rajendaran, R Valisetty (2017). (A Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Hydrostatic Compression Characteristics of Mineral Jennite). 99, pp. 62-69. Cement and Concrete Research.
  • Ingrid Padilla-Espinosa, Wayne Hodo, John Rivas-Murillo, A Rajendaran, Ram Mohan (2017). (Constitutive Stiffness Characteristics of Cement Paste as a Multiphase Composite System - A Molecular Dynamics Based Model). (041007-1) 139, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology.
  • K Rhinehardt, S Vance, Ram Mohan, M Sandros, G Srinivas (2017). (Molecular modeling and SPRi investigations of interleukin 6 (IL6) protein and DNA aptamers.). (DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2017.1338619 ) pp. 1-14. Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics.
  • Matt Nelms, Wayne Hodo, A Rajendaran, Ram Mohan (2017). (Shock Wave Propagation in Cementitious Materials at Micro/Meso Scales). (120009) 1793, American Institute of Physics.
  • Guolong Wang, Demei Yu, Ram Mohan, Spero Gbewonyo, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (A comparative study of nanoscale glass filler reinforced epoxy composites: Electrospun nanofiber vs nanoparticle. ). 129, pp. 19-29. Composite Science and Technology.
  • G Wang, D Yu, Ram Mohan, S Gbewonyou, Lifeng Zhang (2016). (A Comparative Study of Nanoscale Glass Filler Reinforced Epoxy Composites: Electrospun Nanofiber vs Nanoparticle). 129, pp. 19 - 29. Composites Science and Technology.
  • John Murillo, Ahmed Mohamed, Wayne Hodo, Ram Mohan, A Rajendran, Rama Valisettty (2016). (Computational Modeling of Shear Deformation and Failure of Nanoscale Hydrated Calcium Silicate Hydrate in Cement Paste: Calcium Silicate Hydrate Jennite). (1) 25, pp. 98 - 114. International Journal of Damage Mechanics.
  • K Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan, G Srinivas (2015). (Computational modeling of peptide-aptamer binding.). 1268, pp. 313-33. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).
  • Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan, G Srinivas (2015). (Computational modeling of peptide-aptamer binding.). 1268, pp. 313-33. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).
  • Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan, Goundla Srinivas (2015). (Computational Modeling of Peptide-Aptamer Binding). In Peng, Z, (Chapter 14) Humana Press, Springer.
  • Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan, Goundla Srinivas (2015). (Computational Modeling of Peptide–Aptamer Binding). (Methods in Molecular Biology) pp. 313-333. Springer New York.
  • Mahendran Samykano, Ram Mohan, Shyam Aravamudhan (2015). (Effect of Current Density and Magnetic Field on the Growth and Morphology of Nickel Nanowires). (MEMS and Nanotechnology, Volume 8) pp. 75-83. Springer International Publishing.
  • Ram Mohan, Y Purohit, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Mechanical Behavior of Nanoscale Multilayer Metallic Composites). (1) 12, pp. 60-69. J Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.
  • Ram Mohan, Y. Purohit, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Mechanical behavior of nanoscale multilayer metallic composites-dynamic crack propagation in nanoscale Ni-Al bilayer composite). (1) 12, pp. 60-69. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.
  • Ram Mohan, Y Purohit, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Mechanical Behavior of Nanoscale Multilayer Metallic Composites-Dynamic Crack Propagation in Nanoscale Ni–Al Bilayer Composite). (1) 12, pp. 60–69. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.
  • Kristen Rhinehardt, Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan (2015). (Molecular Dynamics Simulation Analysis of Anti-MUC1 Aptamer and Mucin 1 Peptide Binding). (22) 119, pp. 6571-6583. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B.
  • Kristen Rhinehardt, Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan (2015). (Molecular Dynamics Simulation Analysis of Anti-MUC1 Aptamer and Mucin 1 Peptide Binding). (22) 119, pp. 6571-6583. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
  • Vinaya Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Henook Shiferaw, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Statistical Analysis of Uncertainties in Deterministic Computational Modeling - Application to Composite Process Resin Infusion Flow Model). (9) 44, pp. 2251-2263. Communictions in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.
  • Vinaya Kelkar, Ram Mohan, H Shiferaw, Ajit Kelkar (2015). (Statistical Analysis of Uncertainties in Deterministic Computational Modeling–Application to Composite Process Resin Infusion Flow Model). (9) 44, pp. 2251–2263. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation.
  • Goundla Srinivas, Henry Ochije, Ram Mohan (2014). (Biomolecules in Binary Solvents: Computer Simulation of Lysozyme Protein in Ethanol-Wter Mixed Solvent Environment). (2) 2, pp. 1029. JSM Nnaotechnology and Nanomedicine.
  • Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Computational Modeling of Nano-Bio Interfaces). pp. 185. Nanoscience and Nanoengineering: Advances and Applications.
  • Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Computational Modeling of Nano-Bio Interfaces). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering) pp. 185-198. CRC Press.
  • Goundla Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Computational Modeling of Nano-Bio Interfaces). In A. Kelkar, D. Herr, J. Ryan, (Chapter 13) CRC Press.
  • Ram Mohan, V Jadhav, A Ahmed, J Rivas, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Effect of Plasticizer Additives on the Mechanical Properties of Cement Composite–A Molecular Dynamics Analysis). ( No:1, 2014 ) 8, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering .
  • Ram Mohan, V Jadhav, Ahmed Ahmed, J Rivas, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Effect of Plasticizer Additives on the Mechanical Properties of Cement Composite–A Molecular Dynamics Analysis). (1) 8, pp. 84–88. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.
  • Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, (2014). (Modeling a Nanoscale - Material Chemistry Level Modeling in Prcessing and Mechanics of Engineered Materials). In A. Kelkar, D. Herr, J. Ryan, (Chapter 10) CRC Press.
  • Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2014). (Modeling at Nano Scale: Material Chemistry Level Modeling in Processing and Mechanics of Engineered Materials). (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering) pp. 167-184. CRC Press.
  • Mahendran Samykano, Ram Mohan, Shyam Aravamudhan (2014). (Morphology and Crystallographic Characterization of Nickel Nanowires). (2) 5, J. Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine.
  • Mahendran Samykano, Ram Mohan, Shyam Aravamudhan (2014). (Morphology and Crystallographic Characterization of Nickel Nanowires—Influence of Magnetic Field and Current Density During Synthesis). (2) 5, pp. 021005. Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine.
  • Ram Mohan, Oladapo Akinyede, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2014). (Processing, Evaluation and Molecular Simulations in Hybrid Fiber Polymer Composites with Alumina Nanoparticulates). (Chapter 7) Research Publishing Services.
  • Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan, Mohan Srinivas, Ajit Kelkar (2013). (Computational Modeling of Peptide – Aptamer Binding in Biosensor Applications). pp. 639-642. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics.
  • A Mohamed, Ram Mohan, J Rivas, A Rajendran, W Hodo, Kenneth Flurchick, Ajit Kelkar (2013). (MOLECULAR DYNAMICS MODELING OF HYDRATED CALCIUM-SILICATE-HYDRATE (CSH) CEMENT MOLECULAR STRUCTURE.). (2) 7, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technology.
  • G Srinivas, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2013). (Polymer micelle assisted transport and delivery of model hydrophilic components inside a biological lipid vesicle: a coarse-grain simulation study.). (40) 117, pp. 12095-104. The journal of physical chemistry. B.
  • AD Kelkar, Ram Mohan, M Ghazizadeh, E Kimbro (2013). (Progressive Failure Analysis of Hybrid Composite Laminates Under Static Tensile Loading). (1) 7, Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technology.
  • Ram Mohan, Elvis Fefey, Ajit Kelkar (2012). (Predictive Mechanical Properties of EPON 862 (DGEBF) cross-linked with Curing Agent W (DETDA) and SWCNT using MD Simulations–Effect of Carbon Vacancy Defects). (53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 20th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 14th AIAA)
  • E.G. Fefey, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2011). (Computational study of the effect of carbon vacancy defects on the Young's modulus of (6, 6) single wall carbon nanotube). (9) 176, pp. 693-700. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology.
  • Elvis Fefey, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar (2011). (Computational study of the effect of carbon vacancy defects on the Young’s modulus of (6, 6) single wall carbon nanotube). (9) 176, pp. 693–700. Materials Science and Engineering: B.
  • Ram Mohan, Keith Schimmel, Ajit Kelkar, Vinaya Kelkar (2011). (INSTRUCT-Integrating NASA Science, Technology, and Research in Undergraduate Curriculum and Training). American Society for Engineering Education.
  • Francis Komuves, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Vinaya Kelkar (2011). (Prediction of Mechanical Properties of EPON 862 (DGEBF) cross-linked with Curing Agent W (DETDA) and SWCNT using MD Simulations). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
  • S.N. Patankar, Ram Mohan, A.D. Kelkar, R. Vaidyanathan (2011). (Processing and characterization of epoxy resin dispersed with multi walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) derived from camphor). (1) 529, pp. 253-256. Materials Science and Engineering A.
  • SN Patankar, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Ranji Vaidyanathan (2011). (Processing and characterization of epoxy resin dispersed with multi walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) derived from camphor). 529, pp. 253–256. Materials Science and Engineering: A.
  • Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Narayanaswamy Radhakrishnan (2010). (Computational Science and Engineering Education, Research and Training at a HBCU- Experiences and Outcomes). American Society for Engineering Education.
  • A.D. Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, S. Shendokar (2010). (Effect of nanoparticles and nanofibers on Mode I fracture toughness of fiber glass reinforced polymeric matrix composites). (1) 168, pp. 85-89. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology.
  • Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, Sachin Shendokar (2010). (Effect of nanoparticles and nanofibers on Mode I fracture toughness of fiber glass reinforced polymeric matrix composites). (1) 168, pp. 85–89. Materials Science and Engineering: B.
  • Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, others (2010). (Materials Seienee and Engineering B).
  • Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Oladapo Akinyede, Francis Komuves (2010). (MOLECULAR DYNAMICS MODELING IN HYBRID FIBRE POLYMER COMPOSITES).
  • Francis Komuves, Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Vinaya Kelkar (2010). (Prediction of Mechanical Properties of EPON 862 (DGEBF)-W (DETDA) using MD Simulations). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
  • O. Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2010). (Processing and thermo-physical characterization of alumina particulate reinforced 3-phase hybrid composite material system). (3) 42, pp. 5-19. Journal of Advanced Materials.
  • Oladapo Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jag Sankar (2010). (Processing and thermo-physical characterization of alumina particulate reinforced 3-phase hybrid composite material system). (3) 42, pp. 5–19. Journal of advanced materials.
  • Oldapo Aknyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2010). (Static and Dynamic Loading Behavior of Hybrid Epoxy Composite with Alumina Nanoparticles). 16Th International conference on composite materials.
  • O. Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2009). (Erratum: Static and fatigue behavior of epoxy/fiberglass composites hybridized with alumina nanoparticles (Journal of Composite Materials (2009) 43:7 DOI: 10.1177/0021998309101294)). (26) 43, pp. 3325. Journal of Composite Materials.
  • Oladapo Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jag Sankar (2009). (Static and fatigue behavior of epoxy/fiberglass composites hybridized with alumina nanoparticles). (7) 43, pp. 769–781. Journal of composite materials.
  • O. Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2009). (Static and fatigue behavior of epoxy/fiberglass composites hybridized with alumina nanoparticles). (7) 43, pp. 769-781. Journal of Composite Materials.
  • A.D. Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, S. Shendokar (2008). (Effect of electrospun fibers on the interlaminar properties of woven composites). 47-50 PART 2, pp. 1031-1034. Advanced Materials Research.
  • Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Ronnie Bolick, Sachin Shendokar (2008). (Effect of electrospun fibers on the Interlaminar properties of woven composites). 47, pp. 1031–1034. Advanced Materials Research.
  • Ram Mohan, Oladapo Akinyede, Ajit Kelkar, Jag Sankar (2008). (Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Analysis of Material Interactions in Alumina Particulate Hybrid Composites). & Proceedings 저널 프로시딩즈| 기술보고서| 해외연구초록| Reference DB| 공학설계| 부품규격| 항공우주특허| 논문스크랩| 연구자 DB 해외개발| 국내개발| 우주기술전략지도| AIAA 연차보고서| 저널번역| 일본항공우주| 국내연구성과| IP 제공정보| 부품개발현황 ARIC 용어사전| 교육도서| 인물사건| Web Link| 항공 우주 Spec 항공우주기사| 학술행사안내| 과제 기관소식| 해외개발 소식| 뉴스레터 자유게시판| 오피니언| 실험실/업체 홍보| 갤러리.
  • Salil Desai, Ram Mohan, Jagannathan Sankar, Tom Tiano (2008). (Understanding conductivity in a composite resin with Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs) using design of experiments). (4) 2, pp. 292–304. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing.
  • Oladapo Akinyede, Ram Mohan, Ajit Kelkar, Jagannathan Sankar (2007). (Static and Dynamic Loading Behavior of Hybrid Epoxy Composite with Alumina Nanoparticles). International Conference on Composite Materials, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Ajit Kelkar, Ram Mohan, Guoqing Tang, N Radhakrishnan, Kenneth Murray (2005). (Innovative graduate program in computational science and engineering). 10, pp. 1. age.
  • Atul Rawal, Kristen Rhinehardt, Ram Mohan (Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Self-Association of Synthetic Collagen and Spider Silk Composite System for Biomaterial Applications). pp. 1-8. MRS Advances.