Shona Davidson Morgan
Interim Associate Dean for Research & Operations/Professor

College of Business & EconomicsDepartment
PostBaccalaureateCertificateSupply Chain, Logistics, and Transportation Management / University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ph.D.Operations Research / North Carolina State University
M.S.Operations Research / North Carolina State University
B.S.Mathematics / Spelman College
Research Interests
Combinatorial optimization, remanufacturing and humanitarian supply chains, and business and engineering education.
Recent Publications
- Shona Morgan, Alice Stewart (2019). (Teams in Management Education). (5) 43, pp. 573-582. Journal of Management Education.
- Shona Morgan, Alice Stewart (2017). (Using A Web-based Teamwork Evaluation Tool for Continuous Improvement of Team Assignments: Application of the PDCA Cycle. ). (3) 15, pp. 303-324. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.
- Irem Orgut, Luther Brock, III, Lauren Davis, Julie Ivy, Steven Jiang, Shona Morgan, Reha Uzsoy, Charlie Hale, Earline Middleton (2016). (Achieving Equity, Effectiveness, and Efficiency in Food Bank Operations: Strategies for Feeding America with Implications for Global Hunger Relief). (Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations) pp. 229–256. Springer International Publishing.
- Lauren Davis, Steven Jiang, Shona Morgan, Isaac Nuamah, Jessica Terry (2016). (Analysis and prediction of food donation behavior for a domestic hunger relief organization). 182, pp. 26-37. International Journal of Production Economics.
- Roger Gagnon, Shona Morgan (2014). (Remanufacturing scheduling systems: an exploratory analysis comparing academic research and industry practice). (2-4) 4, pp. 179-198. International Journal of Rapid Manufacturin g.
- Shona Morgan, Carin Lightner (2013). (An Examination of Academic - Practitioner Co-Authorship Trends in Supply Chain Management Journals ). (1) 2, pp. 1-8. International Journal of Supply Chain Managment.
- Shona Morgan, Roger Gagnon (2009). (An exploratory analysis of why there are so few minority business cases). 10, pp. 165-193. Journal of the Academy of Business Education.
- Shona Morgan, Yahya Fathi (2008). (Algorithms for the q-model clustering problem with application in switching cabinet manufacturing). (3) 189, pp. 939-951. European Journal of Operational Research .
- Roger Gagnon, Shona Morgan (2007). (Minority business cases: is anyone interested?). 8, pp. 77-96. Journal of the Academy of Business Education .
- Paul Stanfield, Caroline Moineau, Shona Morgan, Silvanus Udoka (2006). (2006-1433: TOOLS FOR AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT USED IN THE ACTIVE LEARNING IN THE VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE SYSTEM (ALIVE)). 11, pp. 1. age.
- Shona Morgan , Yahya Fathi, Javad Taheri (2004). (Algorithms for the Model Configuration Problem). (2) 36, pp. 169-180. IIE Transactions.
- Shona Morgan, (2004). (Where are all the minority-oriented cases?). 5, pp. 52-65. Journal of the Academy of Business Education.