George Robinson

Associate Professor

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Health & Human Sciences


New Science Building 360C
PostdocNeurobiology / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PostdocIndividual Research Service Award / University of Cincinnati School of Medicine
Ph.D.Psychology / The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
B.A.Psychology / North Carolina A&T State University

Research Interests

My research interest include utilizing sensory and cognitive neuroelectrophysiology techniques to investigate, non-invasive brain computer interfacing, neural substrates of violence, neural correlates of attention deficits and sleep deprivation, neural substrates of working memory, neuro-electrophysiological measures of deception, and applied cognitive neuroscience in general.

Recent Publications

  • George Robinson, Jr., Geoff Crooks, Paul Shinkman, Michael Gallagher, (1989). (Behavioral effects of MK 801 mimic deficits associated with hippocampal damage. ). (2) 17, pp. 156-164. Psychobiology.
  • Steve Bauman, David Otto, Steve Schroeder, Susan Barton, (1987). (The relationship of late positive ERPs, age, intelligence and lead absorption in socioeconomically disadvantage children. ). pp. 616-623. Current Trends in Event Related Potentials Research.
  • David Otto, Steve Bauman, George Robinson, Jr. (1985). (Application of a portable microprocessor based system for electrophysiology field testing of neurotoxicity. ). 7, pp. 409-414. Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology.
  • George Robinson, Jr., Steve Bauman, David Kleinbaum, Chris Barton, Steve Schroeder, Paul Mushak, David Otto, (1985). (Effects of low to moderate lead exposure on brainstem auditory evoked potentials in children.). pp. 177-182. Neurobehavioral Methods in Occupational and Environmental Health.
  • David Otto, George Robinson, Jr., Steve Bauman, Steve Schroeder, Paul Mushak, David Kleinbaum, Chris Barton, Louies Boone (1985). (Five year follow up study of children with low to moderate lead absorption: electrophysiological evaluation). (1) 38, pp. 168-186. Environmental Research .
  • Barbara Hawk, Steve Schroeder, George Robinson, Jr., David Otto, Paul Mushak, David Kleinbaum, G. Dawson (1985). (Relation of lead and social factors to IQ of low SES children: a partial replication). American Journal of Mental Deficiency.