Hamid Dafalla Ismail

HPC System Administrator

Hamid Dafalla Ismail
Google Scholar

College of Engineering

Computational Science & Engineering

Fort IRC 109
Ph.D.Computational Science and Engineering / North Carolina A&T State University
M.S.Computational Science and Engineering / North Carolina A&T State University


Dr. Ismail earned his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computational Science and Engineering from NC A&T State University and holds a DVM and a B.Sc. from the University of Khartoum. Additionally, he has obtained professional certifications in programming and statistics. Dr. Ismail served as a Research Associate in the Department of Animal Sciences. He also worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Computer Science at Michigan Technological University, engaging in the COVID19 Virus Genome Surveillance in the State of Michigan. Currently, Dr. Ismail serves as a Research High-Performance Computing Administrator in the Department of Computational Science and Engineering at NC A&T. His teaching portfolio includes graduate-level courses such as Programming for Scalable Computing Systems, Bioinformatics, and Data Visualization. In addition to his academic roles, Dr. Ismail has authored influential textbooks in bioinformatics. He is also an active peer reviewer for various scientific journals.

Research Interests

Dr. Ismail's research interests encompass several key areas within bioinformatics and computational biology. These areas include: (i) Bioinformatics Algorithms: Developing computational methods to analyze and interpret biological data, (ii) Machine Learning Applications in Genomics: Utilizing machine learning techniques to process and understand genomic data, including the prediction of post-translational protein modifications, and (iii) Genomic Data Science: Creating bioinformatics tools to facilitate the analysis of complex genomic datasets.

External URL


Recent Publications

  • P Pratyush, S Pokharel, Hamid Ismail, S Bahmani, Dukka Kc (2025). (LMPTMSite: A Platform for PTM Site Prediction in Proteins Leveraging Transformer-Based Protein Language Models.). 2867, pp. 261-297. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).
  • P Pratyush, S Bahmani, S Pokharel, Hamid Ismail, Dukka Kc (2024). (LMCrot: an enhanced protein crotonylation site predictor by leveraging an interpretable window-level embedding from a transformer-based protein language model.). (5) 40, Bioinformatics (Oxford, England).
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (Bioinformatics). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Sequencing). (Bioinformatics) pp. 213-251. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (De Novo Genome Assembly). (Bioinformatics) pp. 89-108. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • S Pokharel, P Pratyush, Hamid Ismail, J Ma, Dukka Kc (2023). (Integrating Embeddings from Multiple Protein Language Models to Improve Protein O-GlcNAc Site Prediction.). (21) 24, International journal of molecular sciences.
  • S Pakhrin, S Pokharel, P Pratyush, Meenal Chaudhari, Hamid Ismail, Dukka Kc (2023). (LMPhosSite: A Deep Learning-Based Approach for General Protein Phosphorylation Site Prediction Using Embeddings from the Local Window Sequence and Pretrained Protein Language Model.). (8) 22, pp. 2548-2557. Journal of proteome research.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (Mapping of Sequence Reads to the Reference Genomes). (Bioinformatics) pp. 49-87. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (RNA-Seq Data Analysis). (Bioinformatics) pp. 163-212. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (Sequencing and Raw Sequence Data Quality Control). (Bioinformatics) pp. 1-47. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (Shotgun Metagenomic Data Analysis). (Bioinformatics) pp. 303-326. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (Targeted Gene Metagenomic Data Analysis). (Bioinformatics) pp. 253-302. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2023). (Variant Discovery). (Bioinformatics) pp. 109-161. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). (Bioinformatics) pp. 407-452. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (Bioinformatics). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail, C White, H Al-Barakati, Robert Newman, Dukka Kc (2022). (FEPS: A Tool for Feature Extraction from Protein Sequence.). 2499, pp. 65-104. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (NCBI Entrez E-Utilities and Applications). (Bioinformatics) pp. 265-288. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (Pairwise Sequence Alignment). (Bioinformatics) pp. 383-405. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (R and Python Packages for the NCBI E-Utilities). (Bioinformatics) pp. 343-382. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (The Entrez Direct). (Bioinformatics) pp. 289-342. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (The NCBI Entrez Databases). (Bioinformatics) pp. 77-264. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (The Origin of Genomic Information). (Bioinformatics) pp. 1-37. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Hamid Ismail (2022). (The Sources of Genomic Data). (Bioinformatics) pp. 39-75. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Mulumebet Worku, D Rehrah, Hamid Ismail, E Asiamah, Sarah Adjei-Fremah (2021). (A Review of the Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) from Cow, Sheep and Goat Models.). (15) 22, International journal of molecular sciences.
  • Mulumebet Worku, Bahrath Kumar, Hamid Ismail (2021). (Differential Expression of Cow Innate and Adaptive Responses Genes in Response to Eugenol). (Supplement_2) 99, pp. 31-32. Journal of Animal Science.
  • Yaser Ahmed, Hamid Ismail, Djaafar Rehrah, Mulumebet Worku (2021). (Effect of Gum Arabica (GA) Drench on Indicators of Anemia in Goats). (Supplement_2) 99, pp. 37-38. Journal of Animal Science.
  • Yaser Ahmed, Hamid Ismail, Djaafar Rehrah, Mulumebet Worku (2021). (Immunomodulatory Effects of Gum Arabica in Goat Blood). (Supplement_2) 99, pp. 42-42. Journal of Animal Science.
  • Noha Soror, Hamid Ismail, Catherine Chung, Basem William (2021). (Narrowing of the Racial Disparities Gap in Survival of Patients with Mycosis Fungoides: A Longitudinal Analysis of the SEER Database (1988 to 2011)). (Supplement 1) 138, pp. 1392-1392. Blood.
  • Djaafar Rehrah, Mulumebet Worku, Hamid Ismail (2021). (PSIX-13 Activation of cell signaling pathways by galectins in cow blood). (Supplement_3) 99, pp. 267-267. Journal of Animal Science.
  • Hamid Ismail, H Saigo, Dukka Kc (2018). (RF-NR: Random Forest Based Approach for Improved Classification of Nuclear Receptors.). (6) 15, pp. 1844-1852. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics.
  • Hamid Ismail (2018). (Statistical Modeling, Linear Regression and ANOVA, A Practical Computational Perspective). (First Edition) pp. 466. Lulu.com.
  • C White, Hamid Ismail, H Saigo, Dukka Kc (2017). (CNN-BLPred: a Convolutional neural network based predictor for β-Lactamases (BL) and their classes.). (Suppl 16) 18, pp. 577. BMC bioinformatics.
  • Hamid Ismail, Robert Newman, Dukka Kc (2016). (RF-Hydroxysite: a random forest based predictor for hydroxylation sites.). (8) 12, pp. 2427-35. Molecular bioSystems.
  • Hamid Ismail, A Jones, J Kim, Robert Newman, Dukka Kc (2016). (RF-Phos: A Novel General Phosphorylation Site Prediction Tool Based on Random Forest.). 2016, pp. 3281590. BioMed research international.