College of Science and TechnologyDepartment
Applied Engineering TechnologyEducation
Ph.D.Computer Graphics Technology / Purdue University
M.S.Computer Science and Engineering / National Chiao Tung University
B.S.Technology Application / National Taiwan Normal University
Research Interests
Immersive Technologies (e.g., Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality), Game Application, Technology Integration in STEAM Education, User Experience.
Recent Publications
- Yu-Chun Kuo, Yu-Tung Kuo, Hungwei Tseng (2024). (Exploring the Factors That Influence K-12 Teachers’ Use of Open Educational Resources). (3) 14, pp. 276. Education Sciences.
- Yu-Tung Kuo, Yu-Chun Kuo (2023). (African American Students’ Academic and Web Programming Self-Efficacy, Learning Performance, and Perceptions towards Computer Programming in Web Design Courses). (12) 13, pp. 1236. Education Sciences.
- Yu-Chun Kuo, Yu-Tung Kuo (2023). (An exploratory study of pre-service teachers’ perceptions of technological pedagogical content knowledge of digital games). (008) 19, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning.
- Yu-Chun Kuo, Yu-Tung Kuo, Issam Abi-El-Mona (2023). (Mobile learning: Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of integrating iPads into future teaching). (6) 28, pp. 6209-6230. Education and Information Technologies.
- Robert Cobb, Yu-Tung Kuo, Paula Faulkner (2023). (The correlation between Self-regulated Learning Behaviors and Academic Classification for HBCU Students Participating in Online and Remote Learning Experiences). 20, European Scientific Journal.
- Yu-Tung Kuo, Esteban Garcia Bravo, David Whittinghill, Yu-Chun Kuo (2023). (Walking into a Modern Painting: The Impacts of Using Virtual Reality on Student Learning Performance and Experiences in Art Appreciation). (23) 40, pp. 8180-8201. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction.
- Yu-Chun Kuo, Yu-Tung Kuo, Hungwei Tseng (2022). (Exploring factors influencing minority students’ perceived learning in collaborative Wiki-based learning environments). (4) 59, pp. 307-323. Educational Media International.
- Yu-Tung Kuo, Yu-Chun Kuo, David Whittinghill (2022). (Exploring the Reliability of a Cross-Cultural Model for Digital Games: A Systematic Review). (13) 17, pp. 217-234. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET).
- Yu-Chun Kuo, Hungwei Tseng, Yu-Tung Kuo (2020). (Internet self-efficacy, self-regulation, and student performance: African-American adult students in online learning). pp. 161-180. International Journal on E-Learning.
- Yu-Chun Kuo, Yu-Tung Kuo (2020). (Preservice teachers’ mobile learning experience: An exploratory study of iPad-enhanced collaborative learning). (2) 36, pp. 111-123. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education.
- Marisa Exter, Ali Alshammari, Todd Fernandez, Anthony Randolph, Katherine Chartier, Yu-Tung Kuo, Steven Lancette, Blake Nemelka (2018). (Empowered Guinea Pigs: Stories of Cross-Disciplinary Projects in an Experimental Educational Software Design Course). pp. 165-175. Educational Technology and Narrative: Story and Instructional Design.
- Yu-Tung Kuo, Brian Belland, Yu-Chun Kuo (2017). (Learning through blogging: Students’ perspectives in collaborative blog-enhanced learning communities). (2) 20, pp. 37-50. Journal of Educational Technology & Society.
- Yu-Tung Kuo, Yu-Chun Kuo (2017). (The role of augmented reality and its application in learning). (1) 13, International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society.
- Yu-Chun Kuo, Andrew Walker, Brian Belland, Kerstin Schroder, Yu-Tung Kuo (2014). (A case study of integrating Interwise: Interaction, internet self-efficacy, and satisfaction in synchronous online learning environments). (1) 15, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning.