College of Health & Human SciencesDepartment
PostdocVascular Exercise Physiology / University of Illinois at Chicago
Ph.D.Kinesiology / University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
M.S.Kinesiology / University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
B.S.Biology / University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
My background as a certified clinical exercise physiologist (ACSM) has refined my work to focus on CVD and exercise. As a molecular exercise immunologist, my research interests, as a gut and vascular exercise immunologist, are to define the role of exercise for therapeutic treatment in racial health disparities & diseases involving gut dysbiosis and vascular health. My expertise spans revealing the mechanistic perspectives of exercise in human, animal, and primary endothelial cell culture models.
Research Interests
Exercise, Systemic and Cellular Immune Function: Racial Disparities in Endothelial Dysfunction and subsequent CVD, Gut Dysbiosis & Vascular Disease.
Recent Publications
- Marc Cook, Taylor Hogue, Jarrad Hampton-Marcell, TJ Exford, Troy Purdom, Ian Carroll (2024). (Gut Microbiota are Differentially Correlated with Blood Pressure Status in African American Collegiate Athletes: A pilot study). (http://doi.org/10.14814/phy2.15982) 12, pp. 1-12. Physiological Reports.
- Maitha Aldokhayyil, Dulce Gomez, Marc Cook, Andreas Kavazis, Michael Roberts, Geetha Thangiah, Michael Brown (2023). (Influence of Race and High Laminar Shear Stress on TNFR-I Signaling in Endothelial Cells). ( doi: 10.3390/ijms241914723.) 2023 Sep 29;24(19), Int J Mol Sci. .
- Troy Purdom, Marc Cook, Heather Colleran, Paul Stewart, Lauren San Diego (2023). (Low Energy Availability (LEA) and Hypertension in Black Division I Collegiate Athletes: A Novel Pilot Study. ). (doi: 10.3390/sports11040081) 2023; April 7, Sports.
- Jeanette Wade, Hannah Dillion, Kayliah Robinson, Elimelda Ongeri, Kenia Thias Rivas, Marc Cook, Robert Newman (2023). ("People Gather Here for Open Conversations, and Health Should Be in Our Open Conversations": Promoters of Black Men's Engagement in Diabetes Screenings at Local Barbershops.). (DOI: 10.1007/s40615-023-01605-6) 2023; April 24, J Racial Ethn Health Disparities . .
- Sara Mascone, Katherine Kim, William Evans, Stephen Prior, Marc Cook, Sushant Ranadive (2023). (Race and Sex Differences in ROS Production and SOD Activity in HUVECs). (e0292112) 2023;18(10), pp. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292112. eCollection 2023. PubMed PMID: 37792791. PLoS One. .
- Soolim Jeong, Stacey Hunter, Marc Cook, Gregory Grosicki, Austin Robinson (2023). (Salty Subjects: Unpacking Racial Differences in Salt-Sensitive Hypertension ). (PubMed PMID: 37878224) 2023 Oct 25, pp. doi: 10.1007/s11906-023-01275-z. Current Hypertension Reports.
- Marc Cook, Taylor Hogue (2021). (Exercise and the Microbiome: Mechanistic Perspectives of the Impact of Exercise on the Gut-Vascular Axis.). (4) 6, American Society for Microbiology: mSystems Journal.
- Chenyi Ling, Marc Cook, Heather Grimm, Michael Brown (2021). (The Effect of Race and Shear Stress on CRP-Induced Responses in Endothelial Cells). (Article ID 6687250) Volume 2021, , pp. 8. Mediators of Inflammation.
- J Hampton-Marcell, T Eshoo, Marc Cook, J Gilbert, C Horswill, R Poretsky (2020). (Comparative Analysis of Gut Microbiota Following Changes in Training Volume Among Swimmers.). (5) 41, pp. 292-299. International journal of sports medicine.
- Austin Robinson, Marc Cook, Abbi Lane-Cordova (2020). (Making cell culture more physiological: a call for more a comprehensive assessment of racial disparities in endothelial cell culture studies). (2) 318, pp. C238-C241. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol318.
- Marc Cook, Chenyi Ling, Heather Grimm, Adelola Adeyemo, Maitha Aldokhayyil, Kevin Heffernan, Bo Fernhall, Michael Brown (2020). (Primary African American Endothelial Cells Exhibit Endothelial Dysfunction with an Exacerbated Inflammatory Profile and Blunted MMP-2 Activity.). (https://doi.org/10.2991/artres.k.201102.005) ARTRES-D-20-00016R2; Ahead of Pub, Artery Research.
- Kyle Smith, , k, , , , , Marc Cook, Michael Ormsbee (2020). ( Ultra-endurance triathlon performance and markers of whole-body and gut-specific inflammation.). (2) 120, pp. 349-357. Eur J Appl Physiol..
- Elizabeth Schroeder, Sushant Ranadive, Huimin Yan, Abbi Lane-Cordova, Rebecca Kappus, Marc Cook, Bo Fernhall (2019). (Effect of acute maximal exercise on vasodilatory function and arterial stiffness in African-American and white adults.). (6) 37, pp. 1262-1268. Journal of Hypertension.
- Marc Cook, Lanna Anderson, Maitha Aldokhayyil, Lola Adeyemo, Mesha Guinyard, Michael Brown (2019). (Endothelial Dysfunction and Hypertension in African Americans: Overview of the Role of the Gut Microbiome. ). (1) 6, pp. 1-7. American Journal Hypertension Research.
- Denise Smith, Nicholas Friedman, Samuel Bloom, William Armero, Brandt Pence, Marc Cook, Bo Fernhall, Gavin Horn, Jeffrey Woods (2019). (Firefighting Induces Acute Inflammatory Responses That Are Not Relieved By Aspirin In Older Firefighters). (7) 61, pp. 617-622. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
- Marc Cook, Mesha Guinyard, Lanna Anderson, Austin Robinson, TJ Exford (2019). (Relationship between Gut Microbial Health, Exercise, Race, and Hypertension: Updating Mechanistic Perspective). (3) 2, pp. 1-5. On J Cardiovascular Research.
- J Allen, L Mailing, G Niemiro, R Moore, Marc Cook, B White, H Holscher, J Woods (2018). (Exercise Alters Gut Microbiota Composition and Function in Lean and Obese Humans.). (4) 50, pp. 747-757. Medicine and science in sports and exercise.
- H Yan, S Ranadive, A Lane-Cordova, R Kappus, M Behun, Marc Cook, J Woods, K Wilund, T Baynard, J Halliwill, B Fernhall (2017). (Effect of acute aerobic exercise and histamine receptor blockade on arterial stiffness in African Americans and Caucasians.). (2) 122, pp. 386-395. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985).
- A Robinson, I Fancher, V Sudhahar, J Bian, Marc Cook, A Mahmoud, M Ali, M Ushio-Fukai, M Brown, T Fukai, S Phillips (2017). (Short-term regular aerobic exercise reduces oxidative stress produced by acute in the adipose microvasculature.). (5) 312, pp. H896-H906. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.
- S Ranadive, H Yan, A Lane, R Kappus, Marc Cook, P Sun, I Harvey, R Ploutz-Synder, J Woods, K Wilund, B Fernhall (2016). (Aerobic Exercise Training and Arterial Changes in African Americans versus Caucasians.). (1) 48, pp. 90-7. Medicine and science in sports and exercise.
- A Lane-Cordova, S Ranadive, R Kappus, Marc Cook, S Phillips, J Woods, K Wilund, T Baynard, B Fernhall (2016). (Aging, not age-associated inflammation, determines blood pressure and endothelial responses to acute inflammation.). (12) 34, pp. 2402-2409. Journal of hypertension.
- H Yan, M Behun, Marc Cook, S Ranadive, A Lane-Cordova, R Kappus, J Woods, K Wilund, T Baynard, J Halliwill, B Fernhall (2016). (Differential Post-Exercise Blood Pressure Responses between Blacks and Caucasians.). (4) 11, pp. e0153445. PloS one.
- Marc Cook, J Allen, B Pence, M Wallig, H Gaskins, B White, J Woods (2016). (Exercise and gut immune function: evidence of alterations in colon immune cell homeostasis and microbiome characteristics with exercise training.). (2) 94, pp. 158-63. Immunology and cell biology.
- Marc Cook (2015). (Endothelial Cell Function and Hypertension: Interactions among Inflammation, Immune Function, and Exercise.). In Linda S. Pescatello PhD., Michael Brown PhD., (Effects of Exercise on Hypertension: From Cells to Physiological Systems. ) pp. 301-323. Springer.
- R Kappus, S Ranadive, H Yan, A Lane-Cordova, Marc Cook, P Sun, I Harvey, K Wilund, J Woods, B Fernhall (2015). (Sex differences in autonomic function following maximal exercise.). 6, pp. 28. Biology of sex differences.
- S Kang, P Jeraldo, A Kurti, M Miller, Marc Cook, K Whitlock, N Goldenfeld, J Woods, B White, N Chia, J Fryer (2014). (Diet and exercise orthogonally alter the gut microbiome and reveal independent associations with anxiety and cognition.). 9, pp. 36. Molecular neurodegeneration.
- S Ranadive, R Kappus, Marc Cook, H Yan, A Lane, J Woods, K Wilund, G Iwamoto, V Vanar, R Tandon, B Fernhall (2014). (Effect of acute moderate exercise on induced inflammation and arterial function in older adults.). (4) 99, pp. 729-39. Experimental physiology.
- D Smith, G Horn, S Petruzzello, G Freund, J Woods, Marc Cook, E Goldstein, B Fernhall (2014). (Effect of obesity on acute hemostatic responses to live-fire training drills.). (11) 114, pp. 1768-71. The American journal of cardiology.
- H Yan, S Ranadive, K Heffernan, A Lane, R Kappus, Marc Cook, P Wu, P Sun, I Harvey, J Woods, K Wilund, B Fernhall (2014). (Hemodynamic and arterial stiffness differences between African-Americans and Caucasians after maximal exercise.). (1) 306, pp. H60-8. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.
- A Lane, H Yan, S Ranadive, R Kappus, P Sun, Marc Cook, I Harvey, J Woods, K Wilund, B Fernhall (2014). (Sex differences in ventricular-vascular coupling following endurance training.). (12) 114, pp. 2597-606. European journal of applied physiology.
- Marc Cook, K Heffernan, S Ranadive, J Woods, B Fernhall (2013). (Effect of resistance training on biomarkers of vascular function and oxidative stress in young African-American and Caucasian men.). (6) 27, pp. 388-92. Journal of human hypertension.
- A Lane, S Ranadive, H Yan, R Kappus, Marc Cook, P Sun, J Woods, K Wilund, B Fernhall (2013). (Effect of sex on wasted left ventricular effort following maximal exercise.). (9) 34, pp. 770-6. International journal of sports medicine.
- Marc Cook, S Martin, C Williams, K Whitlock, M Wallig, B Pence, J Woods (2013). (Forced treadmill exercise training exacerbates inflammation and causes mortality while voluntary wheel training is protective in a mouse model of colitis.). 33, pp. 46-56. Brain, behavior, and immunity.
- M Voss, K Erickson, R Prakash, L Chaddock, J Kim, H Alves, A Szabo, S Phillips, T Wójcicki, E Mailey, E Olson, N Gothe, V Vieira-Potter, S Martin, B Pence, Marc Cook, J Woods, E McAuley, A Kramer (2013). (Neurobiological markers of exercise-related brain plasticity in older adults.). 28, pp. 90-9. Brain, behavior, and immunity.
- R Kappus, S Ranadive, H Yan, A Lane, Marc Cook, G Hall, I Harvey, K Wilund, J Woods, B Fernhall (2013). (Validity of predicting left ventricular end systolic pressure changes following an acute bout of exercise.). (1) 16, pp. 71-5. Journal of science and medicine in sport.
- B Pence, T Lowder, K Keylock, V Vieira Potter, Marc Cook, E McAuley, J Woods (2012). (Relationship between systemic inflammation and delayed-type hypersensitivity response to Candida antigen in older adults.). (5) 7, pp. e36403. PloS one.
- T Solomon, J Haus, K Kelly, Marc Cook, J Filion, M Rocco, S Kashyap, R Watanabe, H Barkoukis, J Kirwan (2010). (A low-glycemic index diet combined with exercise reduces insulin resistance, postprandial hyperinsulinemia, and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide responses in obese, prediabetic humans.). (6) 92, pp. 1359-68. The American journal of clinical nutrition.
- T Solomon, J Haus, K Kelly, Marc Cook, M Riccardi, M Rocco, S Kashyap, H Barkoukis, J Kirwan (2009). (Randomized trial on the effects of a 7-d low-glycemic diet and exercise intervention on insulin resistance in older obese humans.). (5) 90, pp. 1222-9. The American journal of clinical nutrition.