James David Schall

Assistant Professor

James David Schall
Google Scholar

College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

659 McNair
Ph.D.Materials Science & Engineering / North Carolina State University
M.S.Materials Science & Engineering / North Carolina State University
B.S.Materials Science & Engineering / North Carolina State University


Dr. Schall is an assistant professor in Mechanical Engineering at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T). He graduated from North Carolina State University in 2004 with a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering. His postdoctoral work was in chemistry at the United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD) in the area of tribology and tribochemisty (friction, adhesion, and wear). He continued this work at Oakland University (Rochester, MI) before returning “home” to North Carolina and NC A&T in 2019. Dr. Schall teaches in the areas of engineering mechanics, electromechanical systems design, manufacturing, and materials engineering.

Research Interests

His research interests are in computational materials science and materials in contact. Dr. Schall is recognized as an expert in the development and application of reactive empirical potentials and methods for simulation of tribological systems.

Recent Publications

  • Abiodun Odusanya, Dhananjay Kumar, James Schall, Justin Mayer, Ridwan Sakidja (2024). (Computational approach to modeling electronic properties of titanium oxynitride systems). 245, pp. 113292. Computational Materials Science.
  • James Schall, Brian Morrow, Robert Carpick, Judith Harrison (2024). (Effects of--H and--OH Termination on Adhesion of Si--Si Contacts Examined Using Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory). (9) 40, pp. 4601--4614. Langmuir.
  • Sathwik Toom, Takaaki Sato, Zachary Milne, Rodrigo Bernal, Yeau-Ren Jeng, Christopher Muratore, Nicholas Glavin, Robert Carpick, James Schall (2024). (Nanoscale Adhesion and Material Transfer at 2D MoS2--MoS2 Interfaces Elucidated by In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atomistic Simulations). ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces.
  • Ikenna Chris-Okoro, Sheilah Cherono, Wisdom Akande, Swapnil Nalawade, Mengxin Liu, Catalin Martin, Valentin Craciun, R Kim, Johannes Mahl, Tanja Cuk, others (2024). (Optical and plasmonic properties of high electron density epitaxial and oxidative controlled titanium nitride thin films). arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.12616.
  • Mehdi Rouhani, Jonathan Hobley, Kuang-I Lin, Mario Hofmann, Yu-Chi Yao, Yung-Huang Chang, Robert Carpick, James Schall, Yeau-Ren Jeng (2023). (High-temperature strain-mediated oxidation of 2D MoS2). 236, pp. 112490. Materials \& Design.
  • Manosi Roy, Kaushik Sarkar, Jacob Som, Mark Pfeifer, Valentin Craciun, James Schall, Shyam Aravamudhan, Frank Wise, Dhananjay Kumar (2023). (Modulation of Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Titanium Nitride Thin Films by Regulated In Situ Oxidation). (3) 15, pp. 4733--4742. ACS Applied Materials \& Interfaces.
  • Cang Xu, David Schall, Gary Barber (2023). (Molecular dynamics simulation on the friction properties of confined nanofluids). 34, pp. 105252. Materials Today Communications.
  • James Schall, Zachary Milne, Robert Carpick, Judith Harrison (2021). (Molecular dynamics examination of sliding history-dependent adhesion in Si-Si nanocontacts: Connecting friction, wear, bond formation, and interfacial adhesion). In Nicholas D. Spencer, 69, pp. 52. Tribology Letters.
  • Steven Thrush, Allen Comfort, James Dusenbury, Yuzan Xiong, Hongwei Qu, Xue Han, James Schall, Gary Barber, Xia Wang (2020). (Stability, Thermal Conductivity, Viscosity, and Tribological Characterization of Zirconia Nanofluids as a Function of Nanoparticle Concentration). 63, pp. 68-76. Tribology Transactions.
  • Zachary Milne, James Schall, Tevis Jacobs, Judith Harrison, Robert Carpick (2019). (Covalent Bonding and Atomic-Level Plasticity Increase Adhesion in Silicon-Diamond Nanocontacts). (11) pp. 40734. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
  • Rui Wang, Bingxu Wang, Gary Barber, Jie Gu, James Schall (2019). (Models for Prediction of Surface Roughness in a Face Milling Process Using Triangular Inserts). (1) 7, LUBRICANTS.
  • Xue Han, Gary Barber, Zhenpu Zhang, Steven Thrush, James Schall, Zhanguo Li, Bingxu Wang (2019). (Tribological performance of oil-based ZnO and diamond nanofluids). (3) 31, pp. 73-84. LUBRICATION SCIENCE.
  • Robert Carpick, Rodrigo Bernal, Polun Chen, James Schall, Judith Harrison, Yeau-Ren Jeng (2018). (Influence of Chemical Bonding on the Variability of Diamond-Like Carbon Nanoscale Adhesion: An In-Situ TEM/Nanoindentation and Molecular Dynamics Study). (S1) 24, pp. 1822--1823. Microscopy and Microanalysis.
  • Bingxu Wang, Minsheng He, Gary Barber, James Schall, Chuanlin Tao, Xichen Sun (2018). (Rolling contact fatigue resistance of austempered ductile iron processed at various austempering holding times). 398, pp. 41-46. WEAR.
  • Chuanlin Tao, Bingxu Wang, Gary Barber, James Schall, Huiqing Lan (2018). (Tribological behaviour of SnO2 nanoparticles as an oil additive on brass). (5) 30, pp. 247-255. LUBRICATION SCIENCE.
  • Yijie Jiang, Judith Harrison, James Schall, Kathleen Ryan, Robert Carpick, Kevin Turner (2017). (Correcting for Tip Geometry Effects in Molecular Simulations of Single-Asperity Contact). (3) 65, TRIBOLOGY LETTERS.
  • Bijoy Paul, Salahaddin Sanusei, Gary Barber, James Schall, Keyu Li, Peng Qu (2017). (Degradation of Polymeric Material used for Osteosynthesis and Comparison of Fracture Toughness between Test and FEA). (4) 4, pp. 788--795. International Journal of Orthopaedics.
  • Jingxuan Guo, Gary Barber, David Schall, Qian Zou, Scott Jacob (2017). (Tribological properties of ZnO and WS2 nanofluids using different surfactants). 382, pp. 8--14. Wear.
  • Barbara Mooney, Brian Morrow, Van Nostrand, Keith, Dianne Prak, Paul Trulove, Robert Morris, James Schall, Judith Harrison, M. Knippenberg (2016). (Elucidating the Properties of Surrogate Fuel Mixtures Using Molecular Dynamics). (2) 30, pp. 784-795. ENERGY & FUELS.
  • Judith Harrison, Marcel Fallet, Kathleen Ryan, Barbara Mooney, M. Knippenberg, James Schall (2015). (Recent developments and simulations utilizing bond-order potentials). (7) 23, MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.
  • Vahid Vahdat, Kathleen Ryan, Pamela Keating, Yijie Jiang, Shashishekar Adiga, James Schall, Kevin Turner, Judith Harrison, Robert Carpick (2014). (Atomic-scale wear of amorphous hydrogenated carbon during intermittent contact: a combined study using experiment, simulation, and theory). (7) 8, pp. 7027--7040. Acs Nano.
  • Kelly Flynn, Ionut Harta, James Schall (2014). (Comparison of tribological performance of WS2 nanoparticles, microparticles and mixtures thereof). (2) 7, pp. 353--359. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants.
  • James Schall (2014). (Journal Keeping in Engineering Disciplines).
  • Robert Petrach, David Schall, Qian Zou, Gary Barber, Randy Gu, Laila Guessous (2014). (Microstructural Contact Mechanics Finite Element Modeling Used to Study the Effect of Coating Induced Residual Stresses on Bearing Failure Mechanisms). (3) 7, pp. 622--629. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing.
  • James Schall, Judith Harrison (2013). (Reactive Bond-Order Potential for Si-, C-, and H-Containing Materials). (3) 117, pp. 1323-1334. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C.
  • Ionut Harta, Kayla Owens, De Jes\'us Santiago, Steven, David Schall, Steven Thrush, Gary Barber, Qian Zou (2013). (Tribological performance of ZnO-oil nanofluids at elevated temperatures). (1) 6, pp. 126--131. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants.
  • William Goddard, III, Donald Brenner, Sergey Lyshevski, Gerald Iafrate (2012). (Handbook of nanoscience, engineering, and technology). CRC press.
  • James Schall, Paul Mikulski, Kathleen Ryan, Pamela Keating, M Knippenberg, Judith Harrison (2012). (Reactive Empirical Bond-Order Potentials). pp. 2210--2221. Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology.
  • Natalie Mikecz, Nancy Kelley, Erzwan Othman, Rebeca Lumbreras, Jiman Han, Gary Barber, Qian Zou, David Schall (2012). (Scuffing Behavior of 4140 Alloy Steel and Ductile Cast Iron). (1) 5, pp. 122--128. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing.
  • JM Han, R Zhang, OO Ajayi, GC Barber, Q Zou, L Guessous, D Schall, S Alnabulsi (2011). (Scuffing behavior of gray iron and 1080 steel in reciprocating and rotational sliding). (9-10) 271, pp. 1854--1861. Wear.
  • Paul Mikulski, Van Workum, Kevin, Ginger Chateaueuf, Guangtu Gao, James Schall, Judith Harrison (2011). (The Effects of Interface Structure and Polymerization on the Friction of Model Self-Assembled Monolayers). (1) 42, pp. 37-49. TRIBOLOGY LETTERS.
  • James Schall, Guangtu Gao, Judith Harrison (2010). (Effects of Adhesion and Transfer Film Formation on the Tribology of Self-Mated DLC Contacts). (12) 114, pp. 5321-5330. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C.
  • James Schall, Guangtu Gao, Judith Harrison (2008). (Elastic constants of silicon materials calculated as a function of temperature using a parametrization of the second-generation reactive empirical bond-order potential). (11) 77, PHYSICAL REVIEW B.
  • Judith Harrison, James Schall, M. Knippenberg, Guangtu Gao, Paul Mikulski (2008). (Elucidating atomic-scale friction using molecular dynamics and specialized analysis techniques). (35) 20, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER.
  • Judith Harrison, Guangtu Gao, James Schall, M. Knippenberg, Paul Mikulski (2008). (Friction between solids). (1869) 366, pp. 1469-1495. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES.
  • James Schall, Paul Mikulski, Ginger Chateauneuf, Guangtu Gao, Judith Harrison (2007). (Molecular dynamics simulations of tribology). (Superlubricity) pp. 79--102. Elsevier Science BV.
  • J. David Schall, Donald Brenner, Ajit Kelkar, Rahul Gupta (2006). (Continuum and Atomistic Modeling of Thin Films Subjected to Nanoindentation). In Mark J. Schults, Ajit D. Kelkar, and Mannur J. Sundaresan, (Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional, and Smart Materials) pp. 501-527. Taylor and Francis.
  • Guangtu Gao, Van Workum, Kevin, James Schall, Judith Harrison (2006). (Elastic constants of diamond from molecular dynamics simulations). (32) 18, pp. S1737-S1750. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER.
  • Van Workum, Kevin, Guangtu Gao, James Schall, Judith Harrison (2006). (Expressions for the stress and elasticity tensors for angle-dependent potentials). (14) 125, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS.
  • J David Schall, Clifford Padgett, Donald Brenner (2005). (Ad hoc continuum-atomistic thermostat for modeling heat flow in molecular dynamics simulations). (4) 31, pp. 283--288. Molecular Simulation.
  • V Yamakov, DR Phillips, E Seather, EH Glaessgen (2005). (Multiscale modelling of stress localization and fracture in nanocrystalline metallic materials). Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials. Ed. MJ Schlz.
  • DA Areshkin, OA Shenderova, JD Schall, DW Brenner (2005). (Self-consistent tight binding model adapted for hydrocarbon systems). (8) 31, pp. 585--595. Molecular Simulation.
  • DA Areshkin, OA Shenderova, JD Schall, SP Adiga, DW Brenner (2004). (A self-consistent tight binding model for hydrocarbon systems: application to quantum transport simulation). (39) 16, pp. 6851. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
  • James Schall, Donald Brenner (2004). (Atomistic simulation of the influence of pre-existing stress on the interpretation of nanoindentation data). (11) 19, pp. 3172--3180. Journal of materials research.
  • Jeong Ma, W Ashmawi, MA Zikry, D Schall, DW Brenner (2004). (Modeling of Nanoindentation and Microstructural Ductile Behavior in Metallic Material Systems). 841, MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive.
  • DA Areshkin, OA Shenderova, JD Schall, DW Brenner (2003). (Convergence acceleration scheme for self-consistent orthogonal-basis-set electronic structure methods). (4) 29, pp. 269--286. Molecular Simulation.
  • DW Brenner, OA Shenderova, DA Areshkin, JD Schall, SJV Frankland (2002). (Atomic modeling of carbon-based nanostructures as a tool for developing new materials and technologies). (5) 3, pp. 643--673. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences(1526-1492).
  • JD Schall, DW Brenner (2000). (Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon nanotube rolling and sliding on graphite). (1-2) 25, pp. 73--79. Molecular Simulation.
  • MR Falvo, J Steele, A Buldum, JD Schall, Taylor, II, JP Lu, DW Brenner, R Superfine, others (2000). (Observation of nanometer-scale rolling motion mediated by commensurate contact). arXiv preprint cond-mat/0004076.
  • Deepak Srivastava, Donald Brenner, James Schall, Kevin Ausman, MinFeng Yu, Rodney Ruoff (1999). (Predictions of enhanced chemical reactivity at regions of local conformational strain on carbon nanotubes: Kinky chemistry). (21) 103, pp. 4330--4337. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
  • DW Brenner, JD Schall, JP Mewkill, OA Shenderova, Susan Sinnott (1998). (Virtual design and analysis of nanometer-scale sensor and device components). (4) 51, pp. 137--144. JBIS-Journal of the British Interplanetary Society.