Lobby Hours with Vanguard

10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics

Attending Lobby Hours is beneficial for a range of reasons that aren’t limited to getting a job or internship offer. While that may be the end goal, there are plenty of other opportunities to be found at these events including practicing your elevator speech, getting your resume critiqued, and learning more about job opportunities at specific companies. Lobby Hours can also provide insight into industries and companies that you might not have considered previously.

Tips for a successful Lobby Hours experience: (1) Conduct some preliminary research on the company. (2) Attend earlier in the morning to increase your chances of having more one-to-one time with the company representatives. (3) Have your 60-second elevator speech rehearsed and ready. (4) Bring a copy of your resume to provide to the company representative. (5) Dress in business casual or business professional clothes.

And don’t forget … things like strong eye contact, a pleasant smile, and professional, confident body language help communicate to recruiters your readiness for the workplace.

About Vanguard:

We are Vanguard. Together, we’re changing the way the world invests.

For us, investing doesn’t just end in value. It starts with values. Because when you invest with courage, when you invest with clarity, and when you invest with care, you can get so much more in return. We invest with purpose – and that’s how we’ve become a global market leader. Here, we grow by doing the right thing for the people we serve. And so can you.

We want to make success accessible to everyone. This is our opportunity. Let’s make it count.

To learn more about Vanguard and employment opportunities on Handshake, go to https://ncat.joinhandshake.com/employers/16761 or the company’s website, https://www.vanguardjobs.com/

Link(s): Register

Media Contact Information: Kendra M. Sharp, kmsharp@ncat.edu

College of Business and Economics