Domestic or International Applicant?

The Graduate College at North Carolina A&T defines an "international applicant" as any applicant who is neither a citizen, a permanent resident or a resident alien (Asylee, Refugee, TPS, etc.) of the United States. Where the applicant lives or studies now does not matter. Likewise, the Graduate College defines "domestic applicants," for the purposes of admissions, as US citizens (including foreign-born naturalized US-citizens), permanent residents, as well as those in resident alien status to include Asylee or Refugee status.

Applicant classification as an international or domestic applicant for admissions purposes is independent of classification as "resident" or "non-resident" of North Carolina for tuition purposes. However, all international applicants will be classified as non-residents for tuition purposes. Domestic applicants may apply for resident classification to be eligible for in-state tuition. The form for requesting North Carolina residency is available on our application portal.

Additional Resources:

N.C. A&T Office of International Affairs (OIA) 

American Language Academy

INTERLINK Language Center