College of Science and TechnologyDepartment
Ph.D.Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering / University of Notre Dame
M.S.Mechanical Engineering / University of Notre Dame
Other Applied Mathematics / Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
OtherPhysics / Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Research Interests
Computational and Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Global Atmospheric Chemical Transport
Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Atmospheric Sciences
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Multi-phase Reactive Flows
Physical Gas Dynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Combustion Theory
Advanced Computational Methods, including: Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithms
High Resolution Methods (Godunov-type, TVD, ENO)
Chemistry Reduction Algorithms
Level Set and Fast Marching Methods
Operator Splitting Algorithms
Methods for Two-phase Flow Modeling
Moving Interface Tracking/Capturing Methods
Data Structures and Computational Algorithms
Parallel Programming
Recent Publications
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Sergey Suslov (2022). (Investigation of Sea Spray Effect on the Vertical Momentum Transport Using an Eulerian Multifluid-Type Model). (1) 52, pp. 99-117. Journal of Physical Oceanography.
- Artem Semakin, Yevgenii Rastigejev (2020). (Optimized wavelet-based adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for numerical modeling of three-dimensional global-scale atmospheric chemical transport). (729) 146, pp. 1564-1574. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
- Yevgenii Rastigejev, Sergey A. Suslov (2019). (Effect of evaporating sea spray on heat fluxes in a marine atmospheric boundary layer). (7) 49, pp. 1927-1948. Journal of Physical Oceanography.
- Anton Pylypenko, Yevgenii Rastigejev, Lijun Wang, Abolghasem Shahbazi (2017). (Experimental and Numerical Sudy of Cold Gas-solid Hydrodynamics in a Fluidized Bed Gasifier). (PowerEnergy2017-3263) pp. 10. ASME paper .
- Jose Garcia-Rivera, Yuh Lang Lin, Yevgenly Rastigeyev (2016). (Cold-air damming - tropical cyclone interaction: A numerical case study of Tropical Storm Kyle (2002) and its influence on heavy rain in the North Carolinas). 128, pp. 347-372. Meteorology & Atmospheric Physics.
- Artem Semakin, Yevgenii Rastigejev (2016). (Numerical Simulation of Global-Scale Atmospheric Chemical Transport with High-Order Wavelet-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithm). (4) 144, pp. 1469–1486. Monthly Weather Review.
- Galen Smith, Yuh Lang Lin, Yevgenly Rastigeyev (2016). (Orographic Effects on Supercell: Development and Structure, Intensity and Tracking). (2) 6, pp. 76-91. Environmental and Natural Resources Research.
- Galen Smith, Yuh Lang Lin, Yevgenii Rastigejev (2016). (Orographic Effects on Supercell: Development and Structure, Intensity and Tracking). arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.00539.
- Yevgenii Rastigejev, Sergey Suslov (2016). (Two-temperature non-equilibrium model of a marine boundary layer laden with evaporating ocean spray under high-wind conditions). 46, pp. 1469–1486. Journal of Physical Oceanography.
- Jose Garcia-Rivera, Yuh Lang Lin, Yevgenly Rastigeyev (2015). (Tropical Storm Kyle (2002) and cold-air damming: their interactions and impacts on heavy rainfall in the Carolinas). pp. 1–26. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Sergey Suslov (2014). (E − ε Model of Spray-laden Near-sea Atmospheric Layer in High Wind Conditions). 44, pp. 742-763. J. Phys. Ocean..
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Sergey Suslov (2014). (Non-equilibrium model of spray-stratified atmospheric boundary layer under high wind conditions). 59, Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Sergey Suslov (2013). (E-epsilon model of spray-laden near-sea atmospheric layer in high wind conditions). (2013) Journal of Physical Oceanography.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, AN Semakin (2013). (Three-dimensional Wavelet-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Global Atmospheric Chemical Transport Modeling). 1, pp. 0218. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Mohammed SAYEMUZZAMAN, Keith Schimmel, Michael PORTER, Solomon Bililign, Ademe Mekonnen, Yuh Lang Lin, Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Jing Zhang, Kendra WHITEHEAD, Candice YOUNG (2012). (CLIMATE MISCONCEPTION REMEDIATION WITH 3-D VISUALIZATIONS). 2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte.
- Solomon Bililign, Yuh Lang Lin, Robert Davis, Shamsuddin Ilias, Lyubov Kurkalova, Yaw Kyei, Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Godfrey Uzochukwu, Sunyoung Bae (2012). (Effects of global warming on North Carolina). (2) 3, pp. 52-70. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, AN Semakin (2012). (Numerical Modeling of Global Atmospheric Chemical Transport with Wavelet-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement). 1, pp. 07. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Sergey Suslov, Yuh Lang Lin (2011). (Effect of ocean spray on vertical momentum transport under high-wind conditions). (1) 141, pp. 1–20. Boundary-layer meteorology.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Sergey Suslov, Yuh Lang Lin (2011). (Lubrication Effect of Sea Spray under High-wind Conditions). 56, Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev (2011). (Wavelet-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Global Atmospheric Chemical Transport Modeling). 1, pp. 0122. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Rokjin Park, Michael Brenner, Daniel Jacob (2010). (Resolving intercontinental pollution plumes in global models of atmospheric transport). (D2) 115, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012).
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, YL Lin (2009). (A study of ocean spray effect on tropical cyclones dynamics). 17th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics.
- Solomon Bililign, Yuh Lang Lin, Lyubov Kurkalova, Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Keith Schimmel, Sunyoung , Robert Davis, Shamsuddin Ilias, Yaw Kyei, Godfrey Uzochukwu (2009). (Climate and water resources: a challenge to integrated science/social policy formulation). (2) Summer 2009, pp. 63-72. Convergence Review.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Yuh Lang Lin (2008). (A study of ocean spray lubrication effect on tropical cyclone intensity). 53, Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Michael Brenner, Daniel Jacob (2007). (Spatial reduction algorithm for atmospheric chemical transport models). (35) 104, pp. 13875–13880. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, M Matalon (2006). (Nonlinear evolution of hydrodynamically unstable premixed flames). 554, pp. 371–392. Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Moshe Matalon (2006). (Numerical simulation of flames as gas-dynamic discontinuities). (3) 10, pp. 459–481. Combustion Theory and Modelling.
- Damrongsak Wirasaet, Samuel Paolucci, Yevgenly Rastigeyev (2006). (Three-dimensional Flow in the Differentially Heated Cavity Using an Adaptive Wavelet Method). 9th AiAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, 5-8 June 2006, San Francisco, CA, AIAA 2006-3924.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Samuel Paolucci (2006). (Wavelet-based adaptive multiresolution computation of viscous reactive flows). (7) 52, pp. 749–784. International journal for numerical methods in fluids.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Moshe Matalon (2005). (A Numerical Study of the Nonlinear Development of Hydrodynamically Unstable Premixed Flames). 43rd AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, 10-13 January 2005, Reno, Nevada, AIAA 2005-545.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev (2002). (Multiscale computations with a wavelet-adaptive algorithm). Thesis.
- Sandeep Singh, Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Samuel Paolucci, Joseph Powers (2001). (Viscous detonation in H 2-O 2-Ar using intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds and wavelet adaptive multilevel representation). (2) 5, pp. 163–184. Combustion Theory and Modelling.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, S Singh, C Bowman, S Paolucci, JM Powers (2000). (Notre Dame, Indiana).
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, S Singh, C Bowman, S Paolucci, JM Powers (2000). (Novel modelling of hydrogen/oxygen detonation. Novel modelling of hydrogen/oxygen detonation. ). Proceedings of 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Volume AIAA-2000-0318, Reno, Nevada.
- Joseph Powers, Samuel Paolucci, Yevgenly Rastigeyev, Sandeep Singh (1999). (A Wavelet/ILDM Method for Computational Combustion). (8) 44, pp. 52. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
- Yevgenly Rastigeyev, S Paolucci (1999). (The use of wavelets in computational fluid mechanics). Proc. 3rd ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Eng. Conf.