Marc N Fiddler

Part-Time Instructor

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College of Science and Technology


Ph.D.Chemistry / Purdue University-West Lafayette Campus
B.S.Chemistry / The Pennsylvania State University

Recent Publications

  • Adrienne Lambert, Cade Christensen, Megan McRae, Vaios Moschos, Markiesha James, Janica Gordon, Haley Royer, Marc Fiddler, Barbara Turpin, Solomon Bililign, Jason Surratt (2024). (Chemical Characterization of Organic Aerosol Tracers Derived from Burning Biomass Indigenous to Sub-Saharan Africa: Fresh Emissions Versus Photochemical Aging). (11) 1, pp. 1463–1482. Environmental Science and Technology, Air.
  • Marc Fiddler, Chelia Thompson, Rudra Pokhrel, Francesca Majluf, Manjula Canagaratna, Edward Fortne, Conner Daube, Joseph Rosciol, Tara Yacovitch, Scott Herndon, Solomon Bililign (2024). (Emission Factors From Wildfires in the Western US: An Investigation of Burning State, Ground Versus Air, and Diurnal Dependencies During the FIREX-AQ 2019 Campaign). (1) 129, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere.
  • Olivia G. Norman , Colette L. Heald , Pedro Campuzano-Jost , Hugh Coe , Marc Fiddler, Jaime R. Green , Solomon Bililign, Jose L. Jimenez , Katharina Kaiser , Jin Liao , Ann M. Middlebrook , Benjamin A. Nault , John B. Nowak , Johannes Schneider , André Welti (2024). (Exploring the processes controlling secondary inorganic aerosol: Evaluating the global GEOS-Chem simulation using a suite of aircraft campaigns). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
  • Megan McRea, Vaios Moschos, Marc Fiddler, Dario Massabò, Jason Surratt, Solomon Bililign (2024). (Influence of relative humidity and aging on the optical properties of organic aerosols from burning African biomass fuels). (23) 1, Aerosol Science and Technology.
  • Vaios Moschos, Cade Christenson., Mouton Megan, Marc Fiddler, Tommaso Isolabella, Dario Massabò, Federico Mazzei, Barbara Turpin, Solomon Bililign, Jason Surratt (2024). (Quantifying the Light-Absorption Properties and Molecular Composition of Brown Carbon Aerosol from Sub-Saharan African Biomass Combustion). (Environmental Science and Technology) (9) 58, pp. 4268–4280. Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Markie’Sha James, Vaios Moschos, Megan McRae, Marc Fiddler, Barbara Turpin, Jason Surratt, Solomon Bililign (2024). (Real-time chemical characterization of primary and aged biomass burning aerosols derived from Sub-Saharan African biomass fuels in smoldering fires). 4, pp. 1382 - 1397. Environmental Science-Atmosphere.
  • Timothy Honablew, Marc Fiddler, Rudra Pokhrel, Solomon Bililign (2023). (Fractal Dimensions of Biomass Burning Aerosols from TEM Images Using the Box-Grid and Nested Squares Methods). (2) 14, pp. 221. Atmosphere.
  • Janica Gordon, Kelsey Bilsback, Marc Fiddler, Rudra Pokhrel, Emily Fischer, Jeffrey Pierce, Solomon Bililign (2023). (The Effects of Trash, Residential Biofuel, and Open Biomass Burning Emissions on Local and Transported PM2.5 and its Attributed Mortality in Africa). (2) 7, pp. e2022GH000673. Journal of Geophysical Research GeoHealth.
  • Megan Mouton, Kotiba Malek, MarkieSha James, Rudra Pokhrel, Marc Fiddler, Akua Asa-Awuku, Solomon Bililign (2023). (The Hygroscopic Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosol from Eucalyptus and Cow Dung under Different Combustion Conditions). (7) 57, pp. Pages 665-677 . Aerosol Science and Technology.
  • Rudra , Janica , Marc Fiddler, Solomon Bililign (2021). (Determination of Emission Factors of Pollutants From Biomass Burning of African Fuels in Laboratory Measurements). (20) 126, pp. e2021JD034731. Journal of Geophysical Research.
  • Rudra Pokhrel, Marc Fiddler, Janica Gordon, Solomon Bililign (2021). (Impact of Combustion Conditions on Physical and Morphological Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosol). Aerosol Science and Technology.
  • Damon Smith, Marc Fiddler, Rudra Pokhrel, Solomon Bililign (2020). (Laboratory studies of fresh and aged biomass burning aerosols emitted from east African biomass fuels-PART 1-Optical properties). 20, pp. 10149–10168. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics .
  • Damon Smith, Marc Fiddler, Rudra Pokhrel, Tianqu Cui, Jason Surratt, Solomon Bililign (2020). (Laboratory studies of fresh and aged biomass burning aerosols emitted from east African biomass fuels-PART 2 –Chemical properties and characterization). 20, pp. 10169–10191. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics .
  • Emmanuel Sarpong, Damon Smith, Marc Fiddler, Solomon Bililign (2020). ( Refractive Indices of Biomass Burning Aerosols Obtained from African Biomass Fuels using RDG Approximations). (1) 11, pp. 62. Atmospheres.
  • Jessica Haskins, Felipe Lopez-Hilifiker, Ben Lee, Viral Shah, Glenn Wolf, Dorothy Fibiger, oshua DiGangi, Erin McDuffie, Patrick Veres, Jason Schroder, Pedro Camuzano-Jost, Douglas Day, Jose Jimenez, Andrew Weinheimer, Tamara Sparks, Ronald Cohen, Teresa Campos, Amy Sullivan, Hongyu Guo, Rodney Weber, Jack Dibb, Jaime Green, Marc Fiddler, Solomon Bililign, Lyatt Jaegle, Steven Brown, Joel Thornton (2019). (Anthropogenic control over wintertime oxidation of atmospheric pollutants). (24) 46, pp. 14826-14835. Geophysical Research Letters.
  • Damon Smith, Marc Fiddler, Kenneth Sexton, Solomon Bililign (2019). (Construction and Characterization of an Indoor Smog Chamber for Measuring the Optical and Physicochemical Properties of Aging Biomass Burning Aerosols ). (3) 19, pp. 467-483. Aerosol and Air Quality Research.
  • Jaime Green, Marc Fiddler, John Holloway, Dorothy Fibiger, Erin McDuffie, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Jason Schroder, Jose Jimenez, Andrew Weinheimer, Janine Aquino, D Montzka, Samuel Hall, Kirk Ulmann, Viral Shah, Lyatt Jaegle, Joel Thornton, Solomon Bililign, Steven Brown (2019). (Rates of Wintertime Atmospheric SO2 Oxidation based on Aircraft Observations during Clear Sky Conditions over the Eastern U.S.). (Special Issue -WINTER Campaign) (12) 124, pp. 6630-6649. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
  • Ben Lee, Felipe Lopez-Hilfike, Patrick Veres, Erin McDuffie, Dorothy Fibiger, Tamara Sparks, Marc Fiddler, Jaime Greene, Carlena Ebben, Jason Schroder, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Siddharth Iyer, Emma D Ambro, Siegfried Schobesberger, Steven Brown, Paul Wooldridge, Ronald Cohen, Solomon Bililign, Jose Jimenez, Theo Kurten, Andrew Weinheimer, Lyatt Jaegle, Joel Thornton (2018). (Airborne observations of reactive inorganic chlorine and bromine species in the exhaust of coal-fired power plants). (19) 123, pp. 11,225-11,237. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
  • Damon Smith, Marc Fiddler, Keanneth Saxton, Solomon Bililign (2018). (Construction and Characterization of an Indoor Smog Chamber for the Measurement of the Optical and Physicochemical Properties of Aging Biomass Burning Aerosols Native to sub-Saharan Africa). (https://www.atmos-meas-tech-discuss.net/amt-2018-43/) (amt-2018-43) Atmospheric Measurement Techniques -Discussions.
  • Ben Lee, Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker, Patrick Veres, Erin McDuffie, Dorothy Fibiger, Tamara Sparks , Carlena Ebben, Jaime Green, Jaime Green, Jason Schroder, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Siddharth Iyer, Emma D'Ambro, Siegfried Schobesberger, Steven Brown, Paul Wooldridge, Ronald Cohen, Solomon Bililign, Jose Jimenez, Theo Kurten, Andrew Weinheimer, Lyatt Jaegle, Joel Thornton, Marc Fiddler (2018). (Flight deployment of a high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer: observations of reactive halogen and nitrogen oxide species). (14) 123, pp. 7670 to 7686. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
  • Dorothy Fibige, Erin McDuffie, William Dube, Ken Aikin, Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker, Ben Lee, Jaime Green, Marc Fiddler, John Holloway, Carly Ebben, Tamara Sparks, Paul Wooldridge, Andrew Weinheimer, Denise Montzka, Eric Apel, Rebecca Hornbrook, Alan Hills, Nicola Blake, Josh DiGangi, Glenn Wolfe, Thomas Hanisco, Solomon Bililign, Ronald Cohen, Joel Thornton, Steven Brown (2018). (Wintertime overnight Nox removal in a coal-fired power plant plume and its implications for understanding winter Nox processing). (2) 123, pp. 1412 to 1425. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
  • Samin Poudel, Damon Smith, Marc Fiddler, Kenneth Flurchick, Solomon Bililign (2017). (Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols: Comparison of Experimental Measurements and T-matrix Calculations.). In MDPI- Postfach, CH - 4020 Basel, Switzerland, (11) 8, pp. 228. Atmosphere- Special Issue "Aerosol Optical Properties: Models, Methods & Measurements".
  • Sujeeta Singh, Marc Fiddler, Solomon Bililign (2016). (Measurement of size-dependent single scattering albedo of fresh biomass burning aerosols using the extinction-minus-scattering technique with a combination of cavity ring-down spectroscopy and nephelometry). (21) 16, pp. 13491 to 13507. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
  • Sujeeta Singh, Marc Fiddler, Damon Smith, Solomon Bililign (2014). (Error analysis and uncertainty in the determination of aerosol optical properties using cavity ring-down spectroscopy, integrating nephelometry, and the extinction-minus-scattering method). (12) 48, pp. 1345 to 1359. Aerosol Science and Technology.
  • Israel Begashaw, Marc Fiddler, Solomon Bililign, Steven Brown (2011). (Measurement of the Fourth O- H Overtone Absorption Cross Section in Acetic Acid Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy). (5) 115, pp. 753-761. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
  • Marc Fiddler, Israel Begashaw, Matthew Mickens, Michael Collingwood, Zerihun Assefa, Solomon Bililign (2009). (Laser spectroscopy for atmospheric and environmental sensing). (12) 9, pp. 10447-10512. Sensors.