College of Arts Humanities, Soc SciDepartment
Ph.D.Critical Theory (English Dept.) / Northwestern University
MAEnglish / Northwestern University
B.A.English / Miami University of Ohio
Research Interests
Same as above.
Recent Publications
- Gregory Meyerson, Stephen Ferguson (2020). (Shred of Truth: Antinomy and Synecdoche in the work of T Coates: updated, reprinted). (1) 20, pp. 5-28. APA Newsletter: Philosophy and the Black Experience.
- Gregory Meyerson, Gregory Meyerson, , (2016). (Epidemiology Without Biology: False Paradigms, Unfounded Assumptions and Specious Statistics in Radiation Science). In Stuart Newman, (2) 11, pp. 69-101 (25,000 words). Biological Theory/Springer.
- Gregory Meyerson, Stephen Ferguson, (2016). (Shred of Truth: Antinomy and Synecdoche in the Work of Ta'Ne'Hisi Coates). In Joseph Ramsay; David Downing, (65/66, 67/68) 33-34, pp. 251-99. Works and Days.
- Gregory Meyerson (2015). (“It’s Not Personal, It’s Business: or Teaching Structural Explanation ” (at an HBCU) ). In Ohmann, Maher, Dittmar et al., (forthcoming) 101 (2015), pp. 9-14. Radical Teacher.
- Gregory Meyerson (2013). (“Aunt Sue’s Mistake: False Consciousness in Richard Wright’s Bright and Morning Star,” ). (Black Writers and the Left) pp. 120-37. Cambridge Scholars.
- Gregory Meyerson (2012). (Moment of Transition: Structural Crisis and the Case for a Democratic Socialist Party). In Joseph Ramsay, Cultural Logic.
- , Gregory Meyerson (Linear No-Threshold (LNT) Versus Hormesis: Paradigms, Assumptions, and Mathematical Conventions that Bias the Conclusions in Favor of LNT and Against Hormesis). 116, pp. 10. Health Physics Journal.