
The CTE offers individualized or small group consultations related to teaching for all faculty across the campus. A CTE staff person may meet with individual faculty for support in new teaching initiatives or for the enhancement of existing teaching skills. CTE staff also provide discipline specific teaching support for individual departments and small groups of faculty who are engaged in particular projects supported by grants that have a focus on the development of teaching skills. Staff are experienced consultants and life coaches who confer with the faculty in confidential meetings. 

The Online Teaching Check-In is a forum for faculty to discuss a pertinent issue or practice related to teaching and learning. These sessions are held every Wednesday @ 12 noon via ZOOM. The CTE Director, the Assistant Provost of Distance Education and the Extended Campus, the Assistant Director of the CTE, Digital Learning Faculty Fellow, or Instructional Designers facilitate the discussion of a variety of topics related to teaching and learning. The facilitator(s) offers research-based information which is discussed in an open forum. Topics are announced every Tuesday and invites are sent to all faculty on campus.

Every Monday, a one-page flyer with a current teaching idea or solution is posted on the CTE Listserve, in the CTE newsletter and Sharepoint site. These Monday Minute Clinics are culled from current research and practice in teaching and learning and offer faculty a best practice in teaching incentive for successful teaching that week. Previous Monday Minute Clinics remain available on all sites and by request.

Student feedback sessions are available for instructors who want to improve their teaching during the semester. A member of the CTE staff will confer with the instructor before the feedback session to identify the instructors’ specific questions or concerns. The instructor will leave the class for 20-30 minutes and the consultant will elicit the feedback process by asking students to form small groups to answer the following questions before sharing findings with the class:

  • What is the professor currently doing to help you learn in this class?
  • What specific recommendations for improvement would you like the professor to make?

The consultant will summarize the students’ input and meet with the instructor before the next class session. Together they will review the student feedback and develop a plan for responding to student concerns and suggestions. The process does not require instructors to make changes, but they often chose to do so. Instructors can also request variations of this model.